Philip Gerlee

Biträdande professor vid Tillämpad matematik och statistik

Jag forskar inom biomatematik, med fokus på modeller för cancertillväxt. Jag är också intresserad av matematiska aspekter av evolution och ekologi, såsom evolution av bakteriella konsortier och tillämpningar av spelteori inom biologi.

Image of Philip Gerlee

Visar 57 publikationer


Model uncertainty, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the science-policy interface

Henrik Thorén, Philip Gerlee
Royal Society Open Science. Vol. 11 (2)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Turing pattern formation on the sphere is robust to the removal of a hole

Johannes Borgqvist, Philip Gerlee, Carl Lundholm
Journal of Mathematical Biology. Vol. 88 (2)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Evaluation and communication of pandemic scenarios

Philip Gerlee, Henrik Thorén, Anna Saxne Jöud et al
The Lancet Digital Health. Vol. 6 (8), p. E543-E544
Övrig text i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Inference on an interacting diffusion system with application to in vitro glioblastoma migration

Gustav Lindwall, Philip Gerlee
Mathematical Medicine and Biology. Vol. 41 (3)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Fast and precise inference on diffusivity in interacting particle systems

Gustav Lindwall, Philip Gerlee
Journal of Mathematical Biology. Vol. 86 (5)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Bayesian inference on the Allee effect in cancer cell line populations using time-lapse microscopy images

Gustav Lindwall, Philip Gerlee
Journal of Theoretical Biology. Vol. 574
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Derivation of a Generalised Replicator Equation in the Limit of Weak Selection

Philip Gerlee
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics. Vol. 429, p. 249-260
Paper i proceeding

Bayesian inference on the Allee effect in cancer cell populations using time-lapse microscopy images

Gustav Lindwall, Philip Gerlee
Journal of Theoretical Biology. Vol. 574
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Spatial cumulant models enable spatially informed treatment strategies and analysis of local interactions in cancer systems

Sara Hamis, Panu Somervuo, J. Arvid Ågren et al
Journal of Mathematical Biology. Vol. 86 (5)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Inference of glioblastoma migration and proliferation rates using single time-point images

Emil Rosén, Hitesh Bhagavanbhai Mangukiya, Ludmila Elfineh et al
Communications Biology. Vol. 6 (1)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Nowcasting (Short-Term Forecasting) of COVID-19 Hospitalizations Using Syndromic Healthcare Data, Sweden, 2020

Armin Spreco, Anna Jöud, Olle Eriksson et al
Emerging Infectious Diseases. Vol. 28 (3), p. 564-571
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Model-based inference of metastatic seeding rates in de novo metastatic breast cancer reveals the impact of secondary seeding and molecular subtype

Noemi Vitos, Philip Gerlee
Scientific Reports. Vol. 12 (1), p. 9455-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Computational models predicting the early development of the COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden: systematic review, data synthesis, and secondary validation of accuracy

Philip Gerlee, Anna Jöud, Armin Spreco et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 12 (1)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Weak Selection and the Separation of Eco-evo Time Scales using Perturbation Analysis

Philip Gerlee
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. Vol. 84 (5)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Ladderpath Approach: How Tinkering and Reuse Increase Complexity and Information

Yu Liu, Zengru Di, Philip Gerlee
Entropy. Vol. 24 (8)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Autocrine signaling can explain the emergence of Allee effects in cancer cell populations

Philip Gerlee, P. M. Altrock, Adam A. Malik et al
PLoS Computational Biology. Vol. 18 (3)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Estimating the SARS-CoV-2 infected population fraction and the infection-to-fatality ratio: a data-driven case study based on Swedish time series data

Andreas Wacker, Anna Jöud, Bo Bernhardsson et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 11 (1)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Predicting regional COVID-19 hospital admissions in Sweden using mobility data

Philip Gerlee, Julia Karlsson, Ingrid Fritzell et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 11 (1)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Cell polarisation in a bulk-surface model can be driven by both classic and non-classic Turing instability

Johannes Borgqvist, Adam Malik, Carl Lundholm et al
npj Systems Biology and Applications. Vol. 7 (1)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Combining engineering and teacher education – ideas and experiences from Chalmers University of Technology

Samuel Bengmark, Torbjörn Lundh, Philip Gerlee
Bidrag från 8:e Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar
Paper i proceeding

The Impact of Elastic Deformations of the Extracellular Matrix on Cell Migration

Adam Malik, Bernt Wennberg, Philip Gerlee
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. Vol. 82 (4)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Persistence of cooperation in diffusive public goods games

Philip Gerlee, Philipp M. Altrock
Physical Review E. Vol. 99 (6)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Mathematical modelling of cell migration: stiffness dependent jump rates result in durotaxis

Adam Malik, Philip Gerlee
Journal of Mathematical Biology. Vol. 78 (7), p. 2289-2315
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Time scales and wave formation in non-linear spatial public goods games

Gregory J. Kimmel, Philip Gerlee, P. M. Altrock
PLoS Computational Biology. Vol. 15 (9)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Neighborhood size-effects shape growing population dynamics in evolutionary public goods games

Gregory J. Kimmel, Philip Gerlee, Joel S. Brown et al
Communications Biology. Vol. 2 (1)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Inferring rates of metastatic dissemination using stochastic network models

Philip Gerlee, Mia Johansson
PLoS Computational Biology. Vol. 15 (4), p. 1-20
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

The Influence of Cellular Characteristics on the Evolution of Shape Homeostasis

Philip Gerlee, D. Basanta, A. R. A. Anderson
Artificial Life. Vol. 23 (3), p. 424-448
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Impact of anticipation in dynamical systems

Philip Gerlee, Kolbjörn Tunström, Torbjörn Lundh et al
Physical Review E. Vol. 96 (6)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Extinction rates in tumour public goods games

Philip Gerlee, P. M. Altrock
Journal of the Royal Society Interface. Vol. 14 (134)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Scientific Models

Philip Gerlee, Torbjörn Lundh

Estimating the probability of coexistence in cross-feeding communities

Björn Vessman, Philip Gerlee, Torbjörn Lundh
Journal of Theoretical Biology. Vol. 408 (7), p. 13-21
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Travelling wave analysis of a mathematical model of glioblastoma growth

Philip Gerlee, Sven Nelander
Mathematical Biosciences. Vol. 276, p. 75-81
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Complexity and stability in growing cancer cell populations

Philip Gerlee, P. M. Altrock
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Vol. 112 (21), p. E2742-E2743
Övrig text i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Bridging scales in cancer progression: Mapping genotype to phenotype using neural networks

Philip Gerlee, Eunjung Kim, Alexander Anderson
Seminars in Cancer Biology. Vol. 30, p. 30-41
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

The evolution of carrying capacity in constrained and expanding tumour cell populations

Philip Gerlee, A. R. A. Anderson
Physical Biology. Vol. 12 (5), p. artikel nr 056001-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A filter-flow perspective of haematogenous metastasis offers a non-genetic paradigm for personalised cancer therapy

J.G. Scott, A.G. Fletcher, P.K. Maini et al
European Journal of Cancer. Vol. 50 (17), p. 3068-3075
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Mathematical modeling of the metastatic process

J.G. Scott, Philip Gerlee, D. Basanta et al
Experimental Metastasis: Modeling and Analysis, p. 189-208
Kapitel i bok

Searching for Synergies: Matrix Algebraic Approaches for Efficient Pair Screening

Philip Gerlee, Linnéa Schmidt, Naser Monsefi et al
PLoS ONE. Vol. 8 (7), p. Art. no. e68598-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

The Model Muddle: In Search of Tumor Growth Laws

Philip Gerlee
Cancer Research. Vol. 73 (8), p. 2407-2411

A mathematical model of tumour self-seeding reveals secondary metastatic deposits as drivers of primary tumour growth

J. G. Scott, D. Basanta, A. R. A. Anderson et al
Journal of the Royal Society Interface. Vol. 10 (82), p. Art. no. 20130011-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Cross-Feeding Dynamics Described by a Series Expansion of the Replicator Equation

Torbjörn Lundh, Philip Gerlee
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. Vol. 75 (5), p. 709-724
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Comparative drug pair screening across multiple glioblastoma cell lines reveals novel drug-drug interactions

L. Schmidt, T. Kling, N. Monsefi et al
Neuro-Oncology. Vol. 15 (11), p. 1469-1478
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Vetenskapliga modeller

Philip Gerlee, Torbjörn Lundh

Effect of space in the game “war of attrition”

Philip Gerlee, Torbjörn Lundh
Physical Review E. Vol. 85 (4), p. Art. no. 041115-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

The Impact of Phenotypic Switching on Glioblastoma Growth and Invasion

Philip Gerlee, Sven Nelander
PLoS Computational Biology. Vol. 8 (6)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Evolving homeostatic tissue using genetic algorithms

Philip Gerlee, D. Basanta, A. R. A. Anderson
Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology. Vol. 106 (2), p. 414-425
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Structural correlations in bacterial metabolic networks

Sebastian Bernhardsson, Philip Gerlee, Ludvig Lizana
BMC Evolutionary Biology. Vol. 11 (20)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Urdar - an artificial ecology platform

Philip Gerlee, Torbjörn Lundh
ECAL 2011: The 11th European Conference on Artificial Life
Paper i proceeding

Rock-scissor-paper dynamics in a digital ecology

Philip Gerlee, Torbjörn Lundh
12th International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems: Artificial Life XII, ALIFE 2010; Odense; Denmark; 19 August 2010 through 23 August 2010, p. 285-295
Paper i proceeding

Evolution, regulation and disruption of homeostasis and its role in carcinogenesis

Alexander Anderson, David Basanta, Philip Gerlee et al
Multiscale Cancer Modeling, p. 1-30
Kapitel i bok

Productivity and diversity in a cross-feeding population of digital organisms

Philip Gerlee, Torbjörn Lundh
Evolution. Vol. 64 (9), p. 2716-2730
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Evolving Homeostatic Tissue Using Genetic Algorithms

Philip Gerlee, David Basanta, A. R. A. Anderson
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, p. 512-514
Paper i proceeding

Diffusion-limited tumour growth: Simulations and analysis.

Philip Gerlee, A. R. A. Anderson
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering. Vol. 7 (2), p. 385-400
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Weak Emergence and Complexity

Henrik Thorén, Philip Gerlee
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, p. 879-887
Paper i proceeding

Gene divergence and pathway duplication in the metabolic network of yeast and digital organisms

Philip Gerlee, Torbjörn Lundh, B. Zhang et al
Journal of the Royal Society Interface. Vol. 6 (41), p. 1233-1245
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

The Emergence of Overlapping Scale-free Genetic Architecture in

Philip Gerlee, Torbjörn Lundh
Artificial Life. Vol. 14 (3), p. 265-275
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

The Genetic coding style of digital organisms

Philip Gerlee, Torbjörn Lundh
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Vol. 3630, p. 854-863
Paper i proceeding

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Visar 6 forskningsprojekt


Stärkt civil- och militär förmåga att analysera och modellera effekterna av en kris inom folkhälsoområdet

Philip Gerlee Tillämpad matematik och statistik


Att förutsäga en osäker framtid: förbättring av beräkningsmodeller som beslutsstöd under en pandemi

Philip Gerlee Tillämpad matematik och statistik
Torbjörn Lundh Tillämpad matematik och statistik
Vetenskapsrådet (VR)

2 publikationer finns

Systembiologiska studier av invasivt glioblastom

Philip Gerlee Tillämpad matematik och statistik
Vetenskapsrådet (VR)

1 publikation finns

Focus on glioblastoma: using patient-derived cell lines to decipher tumour expansion and evaluate new treatments

Philip Gerlee Tillämpad matematik och statistik
Rebecka Jörnsten Tillämpad matematik och statistik
Stiftelsen för Strategisk forskning (SSF)

3 publikationer finns

Utveckling av homogeniseringsmetoder för multicellulära system

Philip Gerlee Tillämpad matematik och statistik
Vetenskapsrådet (VR)

1 publikation finns

Hierarkiska mixed effects-modeller av dynamiska system

Bernt Wennberg Matematiska vetenskaper
Martin Adiels Matematik
Philip Gerlee Tillämpad matematik och statistik
Torbjörn Lundh Tillämpad matematik och statistik
Stiftelsen för Strategisk forskning (SSF)

4 publikationer finns
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