Karin Hedsten

Researcher at Nanofabrication Laboratory

Source: chalmers.se
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Showing 25 publications


Spectral measurement using IC-compatible linear variable optical filter

Arvin Emadi, Semen Grabarnik, Huaiwen Wu et al
Proc. of SPIE. Vol. 7716
Paper in proceeding

An UV linear variable optical filter-based micro-spectrometer

A. Emadi, H. Wu, G. De Graaf et al
Procedia Engineering, Proc. Eurosensors XXIV, September 5-8, 2010, Linz, Austria. Vol. 5, p. 416-419
Paper in proceeding

Optical Label-Free Nanoplasmonic Biosensing Using a Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser and Charge-Coupled Device

Karin Hedsten, Jordi Fonollosa, Peter Enoksson et al
Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 82 (4), p. 1535-1539
Journal article

Fabrication and characterization of IC-Compatible Linear Variable Optical Filters with application in a micro-spectrometer

A. Emadi, H. Wu, S. Grabarnik et al
Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical. Vol. 162 (2; Sp. Iss. SI), p. 400-405
Journal article

Spectral measurement using IC-compatible linear variable optical filter

Arvin Emadi, Semen Grabarnik, Huaiwen Wu et al
Proc. SPIE 7716, 77162G (2010), Monday 12 April 2010 Brussels, Belgium Micro-Optics 2010
Paper in proceeding

Mechanically Coupled Comb Drive MEMS Stages

Aslihan Arslan, Caglar Ataman, Sven Holmström et al
2008 IEEE/LEOS International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, OPT MEMS; Freiburg; Germany; 11 August 2008 through 14 August 2008, p. 140-141
Paper in proceeding

Micro- and Nanosystems for Sensing in Medicine

Peter Enoksson, Anke Sanz-Velasco, Karin Hedsten et al
Proceedings of Medicinteknikdagarna 2008, 14-15 October, Göteborg, Sweden, p. 117-
Other conference contribution

MEMS-based VCSEL beam steering using replicated polymer diffractive lens

Karin Hedsten, Jonas Melin, Jörgen Bengtsson et al
Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical. Vol. 142 (1), p. 336-345
Journal article

Hot Embossed Microoptics in Silicon Micromachining using a Substrate Bonder

Karin Hedsten, Caglar Ataman, Sven Holmström et al
Proceedings of 19th MicroMechanics Europe Workshop, MME 2008, p. 137-140
Paper in proceeding

Downscaling optical biosensing system

Karin Hedsten, Alexander Dmitriev, Peter Enoksson et al
XXII Eurosensors, Dresden, Tyskland, 7100 september 2008, s. 205, p. 205-
Paper in proceeding

Downscaling Optical Biosensing System

Karin Hedsten, Alexander Dmitriev, Peter Enoksson et al
Proceedings of Micro System Workshop 2008 (MSW08) 6-7 Maj, Göteborg, Sweden. Vol. MSW08, p. S2-6
Paper in proceeding

MEMS-based VCSEL beam steering using replicated polymer diffractive lens

Karin Hedsten, Jonas Melin, Jörgen Bengtsson et al
Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical. Vol. 142 (1), p. 336-345
Journal article

Replication of continuous-profiled micro-optical elements for silicon integration

Karin Hedsten, Anders Magnusson, Jonas Melin et al
Applied Optics. Vol. 45 (1), p. 83-89
Journal article

Refractive lenses in silicon micromachining by reflow of amorphous fluorocarbon polymer

Karin Hedsten, David Karlén, Peter Enoksson et al
Jornal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. Vol. 16 (6), p. S88-S95
Journal article

2D laser beamsteering by integration of MEMS and diffractive optics

Karin Hedsten, Peter Modh, Jörgen Bengtsson et al
Micro Structure Workshop 2006 (MSW06), Västerås, Sverige, 9-10 maj, p. 59-C2a
Paper in proceeding

Polymer Microoptics in Silicon Micromachining

Karin Hedsten
Licentiate thesis

Sensors and actuators based on SOI materials

Anke Sanz-Velasco, Alexandra Nafari, Henrik Rödjegård et al
Solid-State Electronics. Vol. 50, p. 865-876
Journal article

Supporting structures for transmissive optical components in MEMS

Karin Hedsten, David Karlén, Peter Enoksson
17th MicroMechanics Europe (MME06) (Southampton, UK, Sept. 3-5, 2006), p. 69-72
Paper in proceeding

2D VCSEL beam steering using MEMS and replicated diffractive micro-optics

Karin Hedsten, Jörgen Bengtsson, David Karlén et al
XX Eurosensors, Göteborg, Sverige, 17-20 september 2006, p. T1C-03, 296-7-
Paper in proceeding

Refractive Lenses in Silicon Micromachining by Reflow of Amorphous Fluorocarbon Polymer

Karin Hedsten, David Karlén, Peter Enoksson
Presented at Micromechanics Europe (MME05) (Göteborg, Sweden, Sept. 4-6, 2005)
Paper in proceeding

Microreplication in a silicon processing compatible polymer material

Jonas Melin, Karin Hedsten, Anders Magnusson et al
Jornal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. Vol. 15 (7), p. 116-121
Journal article

Microreplication in a Silicon Processing Compatible Material

Jonas Melin, Karin Hedsten, Anders Magnusson et al
IEEE/LEOS Optical MEMS 2005: International Conference on Optical MEMS and Their Applications, Oulu, Finland, 1-4 August 2005, p. 89-90
Paper in proceeding

A novel technique for integration of optical elements onto silicon

Karin Hedsten, Anders Magnusson, Jonas Melin et al
OSA Conference: Diffractive Optics and Micro-Optics, DOMO 2004, Rochester, NY, October 2004
Paper in proceeding

Replicated diffractive optical element in silicon micromachining

Karin Hedsten, Anders Magnusson, Jonas Melin et al
Micromechanics Europe (MME04) (Leuven, Belgium, 2004)
Paper in proceeding

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