Kaj Granath
Kaj Granath is an architect, graduated from Chalmers. Since he presented his PhD in 2006, he has been working at Jönköping University, as program manager for the bachelor program “Architectural Engineering”, and much involved in the work on internationalization. He has worked five years as an architect, in Sweden and Luxemburg. As a PhD candidate he spent one year as a visiting fellow at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, US.
At Chalmers, Kaj will work as a visiting researcher for three years, connected to Centre for Housing Architecture. His main task is to lead the project “Volume and Quality”, where a group of researchers from ACE, together with the municipal housing company Framtiden AB, will develop a value model for housing quality, to be used as a tool for the client when commissioning new housing projects. He will also be involved in teaching, both at bachelor and master level.
Kaj Granath´s previous research is mainly on digitalization and BIM in the building sector, and housing architecture, especially connected to housing for the elderly.
Showing 17 publications
Varför flyttar hyresgäster vid renovering?
Understanding the progress of sustainable urban development through energy performance
Relocation rationale - Why people move in connection with renovation projects
Determining spatial characteristics for circular building design: The case of kitchen alterations
What are typical levels of housing renovation? A typology based on Swedish public strategies
Störning en faktor att planera för vid bostadsrenovering
The voices of vulnerable tenants in renovation
Potential för kvarboende. Sovrumskapacitet - rumslig närhet - funktionell autonomi
Foresights from the Swedish Kitchen: Four Circular Value Opportunities for the Built Environment
Residential movements in connection to renovation of rented multi-residential housing: A pilot study
Byggherre-ICT:Förstudie om ICT-utveckling för byggherrefunktionen
Respectful Renewal - On Knowledge and Transparency in the Urban Planning Process
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Showing 9 research projects
Adaptation of multi-family buildings to extreme heat
Effects, measures and solutions for resilient housing to extreme heat
Bologi: Humans, resilience and energy and resource use in homes for tomorrow
The circular kitchen 2.0 from prototyp to implementation
The VGR circular kitchen demonstrator (CIK)
Socio-technical ecology: Energy systems in urban areas with high sustainability profile
Consencus in energy renovation: The tenant in focus
Digital analys, simulering och verifiering av boendekvaliteter