Krister Wolff

Associate Professor at Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems image

Showing 39 publications


Ensemble Quantile Networks: Uncertainty-Aware Reinforcement Learning With Applications in Autonomous Driving

Carl-Johan E Hoel, Krister Wolff, Leo Laine
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Vol. 24 (6), p. 6030-6041
Journal article

A set-based-inspired design process supported by axiomatic design and interactive evolutionary algorithms

Mikael Ström, Krister Wolff, Jeremy Jean-Jean et al
International Journal of Product Development. Vol. 27 (3), p. 186-212
Journal article

Propeller optimization by interactive genetic algorithms and machine learning

Ioli Gypa, Marcus Jansson, Krister Wolff et al
Ship Technology Research. Vol. 70 (1), p. 56-71
Journal article

A Mobile Interactive Robot for Social Distancing in Hospitals

Marco Virgolin, Mauro Bellone, Krister Wolff et al
Proceedings - 2021 5th IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing, IRC 2021, p. 87-91
Paper in proceeding

Combining Planning and Deep Reinforcement Learning in Tactical Decision Making for Autonomous Driving

Carl-Johan Hoel, Katherine Driggs-Campbell, Krister Wolff et al
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles. Vol. 5 (2), p. 294-305
Journal article

Interactive evolutionary computation for propeller design optimization of wind-assisted vessels

Ioli Gypa, Rickard Bensow, Krister Wolff et al
AIAA AVIATION 2020 FORUM. Vol. 1 PartF, p. 1-10
Paper in proceeding

Tactical Decision-Making in Autonomous Driving by Reinforcement Learning with Uncertainty Estimation

Carl-Johan E Hoel, Krister Wolff, Leo Laine
IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Proceedings, p. 1563-1569
Paper in proceeding

Automated Speed and Lane Change Decision Making using Deep Reinforcement Learning

Carl-Johan E Hoel, Krister Wolff, Leo Laine
IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Proceedings, ITSC. Vol. 2018-November, p. 2148-2155
Paper in proceeding

An Evolutionary Approach to General-Purpose Automated Speed and Lane Change Behavior

Carl-Johan E Hoel, Krister Wolff, Mattias Wahde
Proceedings of 16th IEEE International Conference On Machine Learning And Applications (ICMLA). Vol. 2017-December
Paper in proceeding

Driver behaviour in unexpected critical events and in repeated exposures – a comparison

Ola Benderius, Gustav M Markkula, Krister Wolff et al
European Transport Research Review. Vol. 6 (1), p. 51-60
Journal article

Scaled test track: A novel approach for active safety system development, testing, and validation

Krister Wolff, Ola Benderius, Mattias Wahde
Proceedings of The 14th Mechatronics Forum International Conference
Paper in proceeding

Effects of experience and electronic stability control on low friction collision avoidance in a truck driving simulator

Gustav M Markkula, Ola Benderius, Krister Wolff et al
Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 50, p. 1266-1277
Journal article

A Review of Near-Collision Driver Behavior Models

Gustav M Markkula, Ola Benderius, Krister Wolff et al
Human Factors. Vol. 54 (6), p. 1117-1143
Journal article

A simulation environment for analysis and optimization of driver models

Ola Benderius, Gustav M Markkula, Krister Wolff et al
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Vol. 6777, p. 453-462
Paper in proceeding

Reliable Long-Term Navigation in Indoor Environments

Mattias Wahde, David Sandberg, Krister Wolff
Recent Advances in Mobile Robotics, p. 26-
Book chapter

Balancing Theory and Practical Work in a Humanoid Robotics Course

Krister Wolff, Mattias Wahde
International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (IJTLHE). Vol. 22 (1), p. 80-88
Journal article

A robot localization method based on laser scan matching

David Sandberg, Krister Wolff, Mattias Wahde
Lecture notes in computer science - advances in robotics. Vol. 5744, p. 171-178
Paper in proceeding

Evolutionary optimization of a bipedal gait in a physical robot

Krister Wolff, David Sandberg, Mattias Wahde
Proceedings of the Congress on Evolutionary Computation, (CEC'08), Hong Kong., p. 440-445
Paper in proceeding

Evolution of biped locomotion using linear genetic programming

Krister Wolff, Mattias Wahde
Climbing and Walking Robots, Towards New Applications, p. 335-356
Book chapter

Central pattern generators for gait generation in bipedal robots

Almir Heralic, Krister Wolff, Mattias Wahde
Humanoid Robots, New Developments, p. 285-304
Book chapter

Structural Evolution of Central Pattern Generators for Bipedal Walking in 3D Simulation

Krister Wolff, Jimmy Pettersson, Almir Heralic et al
Proc. of the 2006 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2006), Taipei, Taiwan, p. 227-234
Paper in proceeding

Behavioral selection in domestic assistance robots: A comparison of different methods for optimization of utility functions

Jimmy Pettersson, David Sandberg, Krister Wolff et al
Proc. of the 2006 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2006), Taipei, Taiwan, p. 4904-4909
Paper in proceeding

Behavioral Selection Using the Utility Function Method: A Case Study Involving a Simple Guard Robot

Mattias Wahde, Jimmy Pettersson, Hans Sandholt et al
3rd International Symposium on Autonomous Minirobots for Research and Edutainment, AMiRE 2005, p. 261-266
Paper in proceeding

An evolutionary based approach for control programming of humanoids

Krister Wolff, Peter Nordin
Proceedings of the 3:rd International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids'03), Karlsruhe, Germany.
Paper in proceeding

Evolutionary Learning from First Principles of Biped Walking on a Simulated Humanoid Robot

Krister Wolff, Peter Nordin
Proceedings of the Business and Industry Symposium of the Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference (ASTC'03), Orlando, FL, USA., p. 31--36-
Other conference contribution

Learning Biped Locomotion from First Principles on a Simulated Humanoid Robot using Linear Genetic Programming

Krister Wolff, Peter Nordin
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'03), LNCS 2723, Chicago, USA., p. 495-506
Paper in proceeding

Interactive Evolution of Speech using voiceXML Speaking to your GP System

Jonas Carlsson, Carlos Paiz, Krister Wolff et al
Proceedings of the 6:th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI/ISAS'02), Orlando, FL, USA.. Vol. IV, p. 58--62-
Other conference contribution

Sensing and Direction in Locomotion Learning with a Random Morphology Robot

Karl Hedman, David Persson, Per Skoglund et al
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, (GECCO'02), New York, USA., p. 1297-
Paper in proceeding

Physically Realistic Simulators and Autonomous Humanoid Robots as Platforms for Evolution of Biped Walking Behavior using Genetic Programming

Krister Wolff, Peter Nordin
Proceedings of the 6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI/ISAS'02), Orlando, FL, USA.. Vol. IV, p. 81--86-
Other conference contribution

Walking humanoids for robotics research

Krister Wolff, P., Nordin
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics: Modeling Cognitive Development in Robotic Systems (EpiRob'02), LUCS 94, Edinburgh, Scotland. (LUCS 94), p. 175--176-
Paper in proceeding

A Brute-Force Approach to Automatic Induction of Machine Code on CISC Architectures

Felix Kühling, Krister Wolff, Peter Nordin
Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Genetic Programming, EuroGP'02, LNCS 2278, Kinsale, Ireland., p. 288--297-
Paper in proceeding

Creation of a Learning, Flying Robot by Means of Evolution

Peter Augustsson, Krister Wolff, Peter Nordin
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'02), New York, NY, USA., p. 1279-1285
Paper in proceeding

Evolution of Efficient Gait with an Autonomous Biped Robot using Visual Feedback

Krister Wolff, Peter Nordin
Proceedings of the 8th Mechatronics Forum International Conference (Mechatronics'02), Enschede, the Netherlands., p. 504--513-
Paper in proceeding

Evolving 3d Model Interpretation of Images using Graphics Hardware

F. Lindblad, Peter Nordin, Krister Wolff
Proceedings of the Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC'02, Honolulu, HI, USA., p. 225--230-
Paper in proceeding

Constructing a small humanoid walking robot as a platform for the genetic evolution of walking

Jens Ziegler, Krister Wolff, Peter Nordin et al
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Autonomous Minirobots for Research and Edutainment (AMiRE'01), Heinz Nixdorf Institute, Paderborn, Germany., p. 51--59-
Paper in proceeding

Evolution of Efficient Gait with Humanoids using Visual Feedback

Krister Wolff, Peter Nordin
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids'01), Humanoid Robotics Institute, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan., p. 99-106
Paper in proceeding

Evolution of Efficient Gait with an Autonomous Biped Robot using Visual Feedback

Krister Wolff, Peter Nordin
Late-breaking papers of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'01), San Francisco, USA., p. 482--489-
Other conference contribution

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Showing 9 research projects


AI supported road vehicle suspension design

Bengt J H Jacobson Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Matthijs Klomp Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Krister Wolff Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Tobias Brandin Unknown organization
Mikael Ström Product Development
Yansong Huang Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems

5 publications exist

ISOLDE: An interactive robot for social distancing

Mattias Wahde Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Krister Wolff Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Adlerbertska Foundations


IN2SMART2 - Robotic Platform

Krister Wolff Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Swedish Transport Administration


MULTI-CUE: A comparative study of motion, verbal and visual cues in automated driving systems (ADS)

Mattias Wahde Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Krister Wolff Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Pinar Boyraz Baykas Crash Analysis and Prevention
Marco Dozza Crash Analysis and Prevention
Mauro Bellone Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems



Mattias Wahde Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Krister Wolff Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Rickard Bensow Marine Technology


Tactical decision-making in dynamic uncertain traffic situations

Krister Wolff Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Carl-Johan E Hoel Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Leo Laine Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2)
Mattias Wahde Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation


AntWay: Automated Next generation Transport Vehicle for Work Yard application

Krister Wolff Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems


Next generation test methods for active safety functions (NGTEST)

Mattias Wahde Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Krister Wolff Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems


QUADRA: Quantitative Driver Behaviour Modelling for Active Safety Assessment

Krister Wolff Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Vehicle and Traffic Safety Centre at Chalmers (SAFER)

There might be more projects where Krister Wolff participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.