Krister Wolff
Visar 39 publikationer
Propeller optimization by interactive genetic algorithms and machine learning
A Mobile Interactive Robot for Social Distancing in Hospitals
Interactive evolutionary computation for propeller design optimization of wind-assisted vessels
Tactical Decision-Making in Autonomous Driving by Reinforcement Learning with Uncertainty Estimation
Automated Speed and Lane Change Decision Making using Deep Reinforcement Learning
An Evolutionary Approach to General-Purpose Automated Speed and Lane Change Behavior
Driver behaviour in unexpected critical events and in repeated exposures – a comparison
Scaled test track: A novel approach for active safety system development, testing, and validation
A Review of Near-Collision Driver Behavior Models
A simulation environment for analysis and optimization of driver models
Reliable Long-Term Navigation in Indoor Environments
Balancing Theory and Practical Work in a Humanoid Robotics Course
A robot localization method based on laser scan matching
Evolutionary optimization of a bipedal gait in a physical robot
Evolution of biped locomotion using linear genetic programming
Central pattern generators for gait generation in bipedal robots
Structural Evolution of Central Pattern Generators for Bipedal Walking in 3D Simulation
Generation and Optimization of Motor Behaviors in Real and Simulated Robots
Behavioral Selection Using the Utility Function Method: A Case Study Involving a Simple Guard Robot
An evolutionary based approach for control programming of humanoids
Evolutionary Learning from First Principles of Biped Walking on a Simulated Humanoid Robot
Interactive Evolution of Speech using voiceXML Speaking to your GP System
Sensing and Direction in Locomotion Learning with a Random Morphology Robot
Walking humanoids for robotics research
A Brute-Force Approach to Automatic Induction of Machine Code on CISC Architectures
Creation of a Learning, Flying Robot by Means of Evolution
Evolution of Efficient Gait with an Autonomous Biped Robot using Visual Feedback
Evolving 3d Model Interpretation of Images using Graphics Hardware
Constructing a small humanoid walking robot as a platform for the genetic evolution of walking
Evolution of Efficient Gait with Humanoids using Visual Feedback
Evolution of Efficient Gait with an Autonomous Biped Robot using Visual Feedback
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Visar 9 forskningsprojekt
AI stödd utveckling av hjulupphängningar för vägfordon
ISOLDE: An interactive robot for social distancing
En jämförande studie av rörelser, verbala och visuella signaler i automatiserade körsystem (ADS)
Taktiskt beslutsfattande i dynamiska, osäkra trafiksituationer
AntWay: Automatiserad applikation för nästa generations transportfordon för arbetsplats
Nästa generations provningsmetoder för aktiva säkerhetsfunktioner
QUADRA: Kvantitativ modellering av förarbeteende för aktiv säkerhetsbedömning