Yong Zhang
Showing 38 publications
Improved Thermal Properties of Three-Dimensional Graphene Network Filled Polymer Composites
Transparent heaters based on CVD grown few-layer graphene
High-Performance Electrothermal Film Based on Laser-Induced Graphene
Characterization of Longitudinal Thermal Conductivity of Graphene Film
Fabrication and Characterization of Graphene/polyimide Composite Film
Graphene-based films: Fabrication, interfacial modification, and applications
Thermal Properties of Laser Reduced Graphene Oxide Films
Thermal Conduction of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer under Loading
Thermal Analysis of an Au/Pt/Ti-Based Microheater
Properties of Undoped Few-Layer Graphene-Based Transparent Heaters
Graphene oxide for nonvolatile memory application by using electrophoretic technique
Synthesis and characterization of three-dimensional graphene foams by chemical vapor deposition
Chemical vapor deposition grown graphene on Cu-Pt alloys
Finite element simulation of 2D-based materials as heat spreaders
Functionalization mediates heat transport in graphene nanoflakes
Heat dissipation of a hybrid CNT/Graphene based heat spreader
Graphene Heat Spreaders for Electronics Thermal Management Applications
Reliability of Graphene-based Films Used for High Power Electronics Packaging
Liquid Phase Exfoliated Graphene for Thermal Management in Electronic Packaging
Cooling hot spots by hexagonal boron nitride heat spreaders
Tape-Assisted Transfer of Carbon Nanotube Bundles for Through-Silicon-Via Applications
Improved Heat Spreading Performance of Functionalized Graphene in Microelectronic Device Application
Use of graphene-based films for hot spot cooling
Characterization for Graphene as Heat Spreader Using Thermal Imaging Method
Thermal chemical vapor deposition grown graphene heat spreader for thermal management of hot spots
Graphene Based Heat Spreader for High Power Chip Cooling Using Flip-chip Technology
Graphene Heat Spreader for Thermal Management of Hot Spots
Graphene Heat Spreader for Thermal Management of Hot Spots in Electronic Packaging
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