Alexander Grabowski
Visar 21 publikationer
Word length dependent sensitivity penalty in high speed VCSEL based optical interconnects
Impact of the oxide aperture width on the degradation of 845 nm VCSELs for silicon photonics
A Review of IC Drivers for VCSELs in Datacom Applications
Lifetime-Limiting Mechanisms of Integrated IR Sources for Silicon Photonics
Modeling the Electrical Degradation of Micro-Transfer Printed 845 nm VCSILs for Silicon Photonics
25 Gbaud VCSEL with Reduced Temperature Dependence
Modeling of the Optical and Electrical Degradation of 845 nm VCSILs
High-angle deflection of metagrating-integrated laser emission for high-contrast microscopy
Effects of Detuning on Wide-Temperature Behavior of 25 Gbaud 850 nm VCSELs
Impact of Carrier Transport and Capture on VCSEL Dynamics
Analysis of defect-related optical degradation of VCSILs for photonic integrated circuits
VCSEL Equivalent Circuits and Silicon Photonics Integration
Large-Signal Equivalent Circuit for Datacom VCSELs – Including Intensity Noise
Enabling VCSEL-on-silicon nitride photonic integrated circuits with micro-transfer-printing
Large-Signal Equivalent Circuit for Datacom VCSELs
Large-Signal Circuit Model for Datacom VCSELs
Large-signal circuit model for datacom VCSELs (Ulm)
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