Helen Jansson
Helén Jansson är docent på avdelningen Byggnadsteknologi, i forskargruppen Byggnadsmaterial på Chalmers, där hennes forskning fokuserar på material och materialegenskaper. Speciellt arbetar hon med experimentella studier på gröna cementliknande material och fasändringsmaterial (sk phase change materials PCMs)

Visar 56 publikationer
Influence of Graphene Oxide on Asphaltene Nanoaggregates
Carbonation of concrete with mineral additions
Thermal and Relaxation Properties of Food and Biopolymers with Emphasis onWater
Karbonatisering av slagg- och flygaskebetong - och dess inverkan på transportegenskaper
The Role of Trehalose for the Stabilization of Proteins
Structure of Aqueous Trehalose Solution by Neutron Diffraction and Structural Modeling
Alkali-activated slag foamed concrete with lightweight glass aggregates
Silicate species of water glass and insights for alkali-activated green cement
The influence of water glass modulus on the structure development of alkali-activated slag
Dynamics of aqueous binary glass-formers confined in MCM-41
Investigating PCM activation using transient plane source method
Boda mill – A Meeting Point for Renewable Energy systems
Cause of the fragile-to-strong transition observed in water confined in C-S-H gel
Different behavior of water in confined solutions of high and low solute concentrations
Why is there no clear glass transition of confined water?
Calorimetric and relaxation properties of xylitol-water mixtures
Formation and distribution of ice upon freezing of different formulations of wheat bread
The slow dielectric Debye relaxation of monoalcohols in confined geometries
Role of Solvent for the Dynamics and the Glass Transition of Proteins
Slow Debye-type peak observed in the dielectric response of polyalcohols
Slow dielectric response of Debye-type in water and other hydrogen bonded liquids
Comment on "Hidden Slow Dynamics in Water'' Jansson, Bergman, and Swenson Reply
A unified model of protein dynamics
Anomalous behaviour of supercooled water and its implication for protein dymamics
Does confined water exhibit a fragile-to-strong transition?
Properties of hydration water and its role in protein dynamics
Relaxation processes in supercooled confined water and implications for protein dynamics
Dynamics of hemoglobin in different solvents as studied by QENS and Dielectric Spectroscopy
Dynamical properties of interfacial water and its role for biomolecular dynamics
Reply to Comment on Dynamics of water in a molecular sieve by quasielastic neutron scattering
Dynamics of fresh and freeze-dried strawberry and red onion by quasi-electric neutron scattering
Dynamics of sugar solutions as studied by dielectric spectroscopy
Dielectric and calorimetric studies of hydrated purple membrane
Dynamics of water in strawberries and red onion by dielectric spectroscopy
Relation between solvent and protein dynamics as studied by dielectric spectroscopy
Dynamics of water in a molecular sieve by quasi-elastic neutron scattering
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Visar 3 forskningsprojekt
Grön cement baserad på masugnsslagg
Mot en större användning av sockeralkoholer som fasändringsmaterial PCM
Next generation building envelope systems (NextGBES)