Martin Engqvist
Visar 51 publikationer
Chiral Alcohols from Alkenes and Water: Directed Evolution of a Styrene Hydratase
A general model to predict small molecule substrates of enzymes based on machine and deep learning
Deep learning-based k(cat) prediction enables improved enzyme-constrained model reconstruction
Learning deep representations of enzyme thermal adaptation
Discovery of Two Novel Oxidases Using a High-Throughput Activity Screen
Engineering Saccharomyces cerevisiae for the production and secretion of Affibody molecules
Performance of Regression Models as a Function of Experiment Noise
Deep learning allows genome-scale prediction of Michaelis constants from structural features
Expanding functional protein sequence spaces using generative adversarial networks
Adaptation of a Microfluidic qPCR System for Enzyme Kinetic Studies
Investigation of functional annotations to enzyme classes reveals an extensive annotation error
A synthesis of bacterial and archaeal phenotypic trait data
Elimination of rNMPs from mitochondrial DNA has no effect on its stability
Applications of protein engineering and directed evolution in plant research
Machine Learning Applied to Predicting Microorganism Growth Temperatures and Enzyme Catalytic Optima
DNA polymerase η contributes to genome-wide lagging strand synthesis
Biochemical control systems for small molecule damage in plants
Ribonucleotides incorporated by the yeast mitochondrial DNA polymerase are not repaired
Simultaneous mapping and quantitation of ribonucleotides in human mitochondrial DNA
Metabolic engineering of photorespiration
Highlighting the need for systems-level experimental characterization of plant metabolic enzymes
ANT: Software for Generating and Evaluating Degenerate Codons for Natural and Expanded Genetic Codes
Directed evolution of gloeobacter violaceus rhodopsin spectral properties
Directed evolution of a far-red fluorescent rhodopsin
Mitochondrial 2-hydroxyglutarate metabolism
D-2-hydroxyglutarate metabolism is linked to photorespiration in the shm1-1 mutant
D-Lactate dehydrogenase as a marker gene allows positive selection of transgenic plants
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