Martin Kurdve
Visar 48 publikationer
Framework for universal design of digital support and workplace design in industry
From Surviving to Thriving: Industry 5.0 at SMEs Enhancing Production Flexibility
Synthesis of Universal Workplace Design in Assembly-A Case Study
Sustainability with a Cost Perspective – Driving the Industry to Embrace Sustainable Thinking
How could a SME supplier's value chain be evaluated by circular production principles?
Applying tools for end of use outlook in design for recirculation
Identifying and evaluating recirculation strategies for industry in the nordic countries
Digital organisational readiness: experiences from manufacturing companies
Metal and Plastic Recycling Flows in a Circular Value Chain
Green lean operationalisation of the circular economy concept on production shop floor level
Effects on logistics of increased on-site sorting
Lead-Time Effect Comparison of Additive Manufacturing with Conventional Alternatives
Establishing SME–university collaboration through innovation support programmes
Maturity Framework Enabling Organizational Digital Readiness
Considerations when Modelling EV Battery Circularity Systems
Case study LCA on automotive light-weighting, using different datasets
Opportunity discovery in initiated and emergent change requests
Designing visual management in manufacturing from a user perspective
Comparison of Four Environmental Assessment Tools in Swedish Manufacturing: A Case Study
Effektivitet i insamlingen av byggavfall
Using the Green Performance Map: Towards Material Efficiency Measurement
Operationalisation of the circular economy concept at the factory shop floor
Challenges for lean thinking in food waste recycling management in a Swedish supply chain
Design for green lean building module production - Case study
Development of the urban and industrial symbiosis in western Mälardalen
Material efficiency measurements in manufacturing: Swedish case studies
Managing emergent changes: ad hoc teams' praxis and practices
Production Management and Smart Manufacturing from a Systems Perspective
Increasing the efficiency of circular material flows by sharing planning information
Options for sustainable battery recycling systems
A life cycle approach to business performance measurement systems
PAR experience from production innovation in Mälardalen
An early phase case of VSM and Discret Event Simulation
Cost and value drivers in circular material flow logistics
Sustainability performance indicators at shop floor level in large manufacturing companies
Material Efficiency Measurement: Empirical Investigation of Manufacturing Industry
Sustainable and resource efficient business performance measurement systems - The handbook
Material efficiency in manufacturing: swedish evidence on potential, barriers and strategies
Present state analysis of BPMS in large manufacturing companies
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Visar 10 forskningsprojekt
IN CALM MIND - Innovation critical metals and mineral flows system demonstrator
RESPIRE: Rethinking the management of unexpected events for resilient and sustainable production
Utveckling och övergång till IoT-baserade cirkulära produktionssytem och värdekedjor (IoTCirProd)
Hållbar plastanvändning genom sänkta trösklar för marknadens aktörer
Challenges and needs in future circular material systems for electric and autonomous vehicles
Husmuttern Enklare vägar till jobb 2.0
CiMMREC – Circular models for mixed and multi material recycling in manifacturing extended loops