Johannes Morfeldt
Visar 11 publikationer
Carbon footprint effects of shifting from flights to night trains for Swedish tourism
Emission pathways and mitigation options for achieving consumption-based climate targets in Sweden
Indicate separate contributions of long-lived and short-lived greenhouse gases in emission targets
Consumption based scenarios for Sweden - a basis for discussing new climate targets
Impacts of shared mobility on vehicle lifetimes and on the carbon footprint of electric vehicles
If Electric Cars Are Good for Reducing Emissions, They Could Be Even Better with Electric Roads
Carbon footprint impacts of banning cars with internal combustion engines
Konsumtionsbaserade scenarier för Sverige - underlag för diskussioner om nya klimatmål
Cost-effective implementation of the Paris Agreement using flexible greenhouse gas metrics
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Visar 5 forskningsprojekt
Förhandling av vägval för att uppnå Parisavtalet
Vehicle lifetime in different mobility solutions