Mary Sheeran

Visar 53 publikationer
Efficient GPU Implementation of Affine Index Permutations on Arrays
Synchron - An API and Runtime for Embedded Systems
Higher-Order Concurrency for Microcontrollers
Hailstorm : A Statically-Typed, Purely Functional Language for IoT Applications
Safety at speed: in-place array algorithms from pure functional programs by safely re-using storage
Hardware Software Co-design in Haskell
Low-Level Functional GPU Programming for Parallel Algorithms
Special issue dedicated to ICFP 2014: Editorial
A language for hierarchical data parallel design-space exploration on GPUs
Functional Programming and Hardware Design: Still Interesting after All These Years
Design exploration through code-generating DSLs
Design Exploration through Code-Generating DSLs
Stream Processing for Embedded Domain Specific Languages
Counting and Occurrence Sort for GPUs using an Embedded Language
Feldspar: Application and Implementation
Expressive array constructs in an embedded GPU kernel programming language
Parallel Programming in Haskell Almost for Free: an embedding of Intel's Array Building Blocks
The Design and Implementation of Feldspar: An Embedded Language for Digital Signal Processing
Obsidian: A Domain Specific Embedded Language for Parallel Programming of Graphics Processors
Functional and dynamic programming in the design of parallel prefix networks
Efficient Code Generation from the High-level Domain-specific Language Feldspar for DSPs
Chalk: a language and tool for architecture design and analysis
The Design and Implementation of Feldspar: an Embedded Language for Digital Signal Processing
GPGPU Kernel Implementation using an Embedded Language: a Status Report
GPGPU Kernel Implementation and Refinement using Obsidian
Feldspar: A Domain Specific Language for Digital Signal Processing algorithms
SAT-Solving in Practice, with a Tutorial Example from Supervisory Control
Fast Layout Exploration Using the Wired System
High level architectural modelling for early estimation of power and performance
Layout Exploration of Geometrically Accurate Arithmetic Circuits
Functional and dynamic programming in the design of parallel prefix networks
Obsidian: An Embedded Language for Data-Parallel Programming
Searching for prefix networks to fit in a context using a lazy functional programming language
Exposed Datapath for Efficient Computing
Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design
Using Lava and Wired for Design Exploration
Multiplier Reduction Tree with Logarithmic Logic Depth and Regular Connectivity
Exposed Datapath for Efficient Computing
A new approach to the design of optimal parallel prefix circuits
Hardware design and functional programming: a perfect match (invited paper)
Wired: Wire-Aware Circuit Design
Teaching Hardware Description and Verification
Hardware Design and Functional Programming: a Perfect Match (extended version)
Proc. 5th Int. Workshop on Designing Correct Circuits, a satellite event of ETAPS 2004
Wired - a Language for Describing Non-Functional Properties of Digital Circuits
Generating Fast Multipliers Using Clever Circuits
Describing and reasoning about circuits that are almost regular
FlexSoC: Combining Flexibility and Efficiency in SoC Designs
Functional Hardware Description in Lava
Describing and Reasoning about Sorting Networks
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Visar 7 forskningsprojekt
En algebra av tensorkombinerare och dess tillämpningar
Verification of Machine Learning Algorithms (Vermillion)
Jämställdhet för excellens (Genie)
Octopi: Säker Programmering för Sakernas Internet
Octopi: Säker Programering för Sakernas Internet
Systematisk testning av cyberfysiska system (SyTeC)
Hårdvaruacceleration av algoritmer genom funktionell programmering