Åke Ingerman
Visar 31 publikationer
The New Engineer: Gender and Social Class in Information about Engineering Educations
Studying Power and Knowledge in the Technology Classroom: Towards a Conceptual Framework
Constructions of power and knowledge in the technology classroom
Different stories of group work: Exploring problem solving in engineering education
Multiple theoretical spaces as analytical strategy in researching classroom interaction
På spaning efter teknisk bildning
Learning in physics group work - Dynamics, variation and the experience of relevance
Using research to activate university teacher training
SimChemistry as an active learning tool in chemical education
Learning and the variation in focus among physics students when using a computer simulation
The role of computer simulations in university students’ reasoning about physics
Phenomenography for physicists
Lab on the Web - Looking at Different Ways of Experiencing Electronic Experiments
How mathematical is conceptual understanding?
Trusting results – An exploration of physicists’ appraisal of their own and others’ research
Coherent current transport in wide ballistic Josephson junctions
Full counting statistics of multiple Andreev reflection
Making sense of Physics in the first year of study Learning and Instruction
On context in phenomenographic research on understanding heat and temperature
Coherent multiple Andreev reflections and current resonances in SNS quantum point contacts
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