Zhiyuan Li
Zhiyuan Lis forskningsfält är utmattning och tillförlitlighet på marina strukturer. Zhiyuan arbetar med våglastanalys, beräkningar på skeppsstrukturdynamik, utvärdering av utmattning på skeppsstrukturer, både lågcykelutmattning och fleraxlig utmattning. Tidigare meriter är BSc i mekanisk design och tillverkning, MSc i fordonsteknik och licentiat i utmattningskonstruktion på containerfartyg.
Visar 62 publikationer
An FMI-based co-simulation framework for simulations of wave energy converter systems
Structural integrity analysis of marine dynamic cables: water trees and fatigue
Structural integrity analysis of marine dynamic cables
Numerical study on ice-induced loads on ship hulls in ice floe regions
Numerical study on the movement pattern of ice around the ship in the broken ice field
Fatigue of mooring lines in wave energy parks
Direct measurements and CFD simulations on ice-induced hull pressure of a ship in floe ice fields
Predicting failure of dynamic subsea cables by electrical insulation breakdown due to water treeing
When Does a Light Sphere Break Ice Plate Most by Using Its Net Buoyance?
Evaluation of an electro-mechanical model of vented water tree inception in polyethylene insulation
Crack propagation in dynamic power cables
Research on Optimization Design of Fully Parameterized Pump-Jet Propulsion
Numerical Simulation of an Air-Bubble System for Ice Resistance Reduction
A parametric study on the ice resistance of a ship sailing in pack ice based on CFD-DEM method
Ice-Water-Gas Interaction during Icebreaking by an Airgun Bubble
A voyage planning tool for ships sailing between Europe and Asia via the Arctic
An Arctic ship performance model for sea routes in ice-infested waters
Ship resistance when operating in floating ice floes: a derivation of empirical equations
A voyage planning tool for Arctic transit of cargo ships
Towards holistic performance-based conceptual design of Arctic cargo ships
Reduction in ultimate strength capacity of corroded ships involved in collision accidents
Performance assessment of the crashworthiness of corroded ship hulls
Quasi-static assessment of response to slamming impact on free fall lifeboats
Linear and nonlinear FE analyses of a container vessel in harsh sea state
Fatigue Assessment of Container Ships – a Contribution to Direct Calculation Procedures
Linear and nonlinear FE analyses of a container vessel in harsh sea state
Time-domain fatigue assessment of ship side-shell structures
Theoretical development and validation of a fatigue model for ship routing
Fatigue variation in ships due to the variability of environmental loads
Direct calculation of fatigue damage of ship structure details
Direct Calculation of Wave-Induced Loads and Fatigue Damage of Container Vessels
Fatigue damage assessment of container ships concerning wave-induced torsion
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Visar 16 forskningsprojekt
Potential för elektrifiering av fartygsflottan – kraftbehov och nätkapacitet
DeWaTra - Decarbonising Waterborne Transportation (DeWaTra)
POWERSHIP - Safe ship collision and grounding hull design for SMR-powered ships
Predicting lifetime of dynamic cables for floating marine energy harvesting platforms
Operational strategy and economic impacts of wind-powered ships
Vindkraftparkers inverkan på sjöfarten
Vätgasinblandning i marina LNG/LBG bränslen
Isgående prestanda och reseplanering av elfartyg som trafikerar Norrland och södra Sverige
KOFS - Composites for a sustainable shipping
Förbättrad propellerprestanda för isgående fartyg
SEDNA - Safe maritime operations under extreme conditions: the Arctic case
Grafen på fartygsskrov för minskad korrosion och påväxt (GRAMMAR)