Muhammad Asad

Showing 18 publications


Enhanced Hall mobility in graphene-on-electronic-grade diamond

Saman Majdi, Viktor Djurberg, Muhammad Asad et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 123
Journal article

Graphene FET on diamond for high-frequency electronics

Muhammad Asad, Saman Majdi, Andrei Vorobiev et al
IEEE Electron Device Letters. Vol. 43 (2), p. 300-303
Journal article

Mobility degradation and series resistance in graphene field-effect transistors

Kjell Jeppson, Muhammad Asad, Jan Stake
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. Vol. 68 (6), p. 3091-3095
Journal article

Integrated 10-GHz Graphene FET Amplifier

Ahmed Hamed, Muhammad Asad, Muh-Dey Wei et al
IEEE Journal of Microwaves. Vol. 1 (3), p. 821-826
Journal article

Enhanced high-frequency performance of top-gated graphene FETs due to substrate-induced improvements in charge carrier saturation velocity

Muhammad Asad, Kjell Jeppson, Andrei Vorobiev et al
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. Vol. 68 (2), p. 899-902
Journal article

The dependence of the high-frequency performance of graphene field-effect transistors on channel transport properties

Muhammad Asad, Marlene Bonmann, Xinxin Yang et al
IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society. Vol. 8, p. 457-464
Journal article

Does carrier velocity saturation help to enhance fmax in graphene field-effect transistors?

Pedro C. Feijoo, Francisco Pasadas, Marlene Bonmann et al
Nanoscale Advances. Vol. 2 (9), p. 4179-4186
Journal article

High frequency noise characterisation of graphene field-effect transistors at different temperatures

Junjie Li, Xinxin Yang, Marlene Bonmann et al
Conference poster

Effects of self-heating on high-frequency performance of graphene field-effect transistors

Marlene Bonmann, Marijana Krivic, Muhammad Asad et al
Other conference contribution

Graphene field-effect transistors with high extrinsic fT and fmax

Marlene Bonmann, Muhammad Asad, Xinxin Yang et al
IEEE Electron Device Letters. Vol. 40 (1), p. 131-134
Journal article

Graphene Field-Effect Transistors for Millimeter Wave Amplifiers

Andrei Vorobiev, Marlene Bonmann, Muhammad Asad et al
International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. Vol. 2019-September
Paper in proceeding

Correlation between material quality and high frequency performance of graphene field-effect transistors

Muhammad Asad, Marlene Bonmann, Xinxin Yang et al
Other conference contribution

Drain current saturation in graphene field-effect transistors at high fields

Marlene Bonmann, Andrei Vorobiev, Xinxin Yang et al
Conference poster

Graphene field-effect transistors for high frequency applications

Muhammad Asad, Marlene Bonmann, Xinxin Yang et al
Paper in proceeding

GaInN Quantum Wells as Optochemical Transducers for Chemical Sensors and Biosensors

D. Heinz, F. Huber, M. Spiess et al
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. Vol. 23 (2), p. 15-23
Journal article

Effect of nano-apertures pattern on InAs nanowires evolution process grown by selective area molecular beam epitaxy

Muhammad Asad, Ghada Badawy, Huan Zhao Ternehäll et al
44th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS), 2017 Compound Semiconductor Week (CSW2017), Berlin, Germany, May 14-18, 2017
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 1 research projects


Graphene Core Project 3 (Graphene Flagship)

Jari Kinaret Condensed Matter and Materials Theory
Saroj Prasad Dash Quantum Device Physics
Floriana Lombardi Quantum Device Physics
Muhammad Asad Terahertz and Millimetre Wave Laboratory
Andreas Isacsson Condensed Matter and Materials Theory
Zhenyuan Xia Materials and manufacture
Omid Habibpour Microwave Electronics
Patrik Johansson Materials Physics
Samuel Brem Condensed Matter and Materials Theory
Vincenzo Palermo Materials and manufacture
Isabel Harrysson Rodrigues Terahertz and Millimetre Wave Laboratory
Beatriz Ferreira Condensed Matter and Materials Theory
Daniel Erkensten Condensed Matter and Materials Theory
Jan Stake Terahertz and Millimetre Wave Laboratory
Jinhua Sun Materials and manufacture
Sankar Sasidharan Materials and manufacture
Herbert Zirath Microwave Electronics
Marlene Bonmann Terahertz and Millimetre Wave Laboratory
Simon Ovesen Condensed Matter and Materials Theory
Andrei Vorobiev Terahertz and Millimetre Wave Laboratory
Ermin Malic Condensed Matter and Materials Theory
Sergey Kubatkin Quantum Device Physics
Aleksandar Matic Materials Physics
European Commission (EC)

63 publications exist
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