Bo Albinsson
Bo Albinsson has a long standing interest in mechanisms for energy and electron transfer reactions with relevance for solar energy research. He has also lately developed DNA nanostructures dressed with photo redox active functionalizations. Albinsson has a broad interest in advanced optical spectroscopic methods. He is involved in managing three laser laborites for time resolved emission and absorption studies ranging from millisecond to femtosecond time resolution.

Showing 160 publications
An efficient all-visible light-activated photoswitch based on diarylethenes and CdS quantum dots
Lowering of the singlet-triplet energy gap via intramolecular exciton-exciton coupling
Synthesis and photophysical characterization of a pH-sensitive quadracyclic uridine (qU) analogue
Diarylethene Isomerization by Using Triplet–Triplet Annihilation Photon Upconversion
Triplet States of Cyanostar and Its Anion Complexes
Approaching the Spin-Statistical Limit in Visible-to-Ultraviolet Photon Upconversion
Far-red triplet sensitized Z-to-E photoswitching of azobenzene in bioplastics
Exciton Delocalization Counteracts the Energy Gap: A New Pathway toward NIR-Emissive Dyes
Prospective Life-Cycle Modeling of Quantum Dot Nanoparticles for Use in Photon Upconversion Devices
Untapping solar energy resources
Electron transfer reactions in sub-porphyrin-naphthyldiimide dyads
Turn-off mode fluorescent norbornadiene-based photoswitches
FRET enhancement close to gold nanoparticles positioned in DNA origami constructs
Site-selective immobilization of functionalized DNA origami on nanopatterned Teflon AF
Robust triplet-triplet annihilation photon upconversion by efficient oxygen scavenging
Porphyrin-Anthracene Complexes: Potential in Triplet-Triplet Annihilation Upconversion
Polarized Spectroscopy with Fluorescent Biomolecular Building Blocks
Photoinduced charge and energy transfer in molecular wires
Photon up-conversion and molecular solar thermal energy storage: New materials and devices
Triplet-triplet annihilation photon-upconversion: Towards solar energy applications
Conjugated anthracene dendrimers with monomer-like fluorescence
Photon up-converting devices for solar fuels
Conformational Gating of Charge Separation in Porphyrin Oligomer-Fullerene Systems
Photon upconversion facilitated molecular solar energy storage
The photoinduced transformation of fluorescent DNA base analogue tC triggers DNA melting
Multistep FRET and Nanotechnology
Chiral Selectivity in the Binding of [4]Helicene Derivatives to Double-Stranded DNA
FRETmatrix: a general methodology for the simulation and analysis of FRET in nucleic acids
Self-Assembled Nanoscale DNA-Porphyrin Complex for Artificial Light Harvesting
Functionalized DNA Nanostructures for Light Harvesting and Charge Separation
Reversible Hybridization of DNA Anchored to a Lipid Membrane via Porphyrin
A Bioinspired Self Assembled Dimeric Porphyrin Pocket that Binds Electron Accepting Ligands
Electron Transfer Through Butadiyne-Linked Porphyrin-Based Molecular Wires
Self-Assembly of Linear Porphyrin Oligomers into Well-Defined Aggregates
Tunneling through conjugated bridges in designed donor-bridge-acceptor molecules
ENERGY TRANSFER On the right path
Self-Assembled DNA-Based Fluorescence Waveguide with Selectable Output
Soft-Surface DNA Nanotechnology: DNA Constructs Anchored and Aligned to Lipid Membrane
Belt-Shaped π-Systems: Relating Geometry to Electronic Structure in a Six-Porphyrin Nanoring
Photochromic Supramolecular Memory With Nondestructive Readout
Excitation energy transfer in donor-bridge-acceptor systems
Functionalized Nanostructures: Redox-Active Porphyrin Anchors for Supramolecular DNA Assemblies
Characterization of Nucleobase Analogue FRET Acceptor tC(nitro)
Thermodynamic Aspects of DNA Nanoconstruct Stability and Design
Membrane-Anchored DNA Assembly for Energy and Electron Transfer
Platform for Controlled Supramolecular Nano-Assembly
Photophysical characterization of cinnamates
Self-assembled DNA photonic wire
Long-range electron and excitation energy transfer in donor-bridge-acceptor systems
Self-Assembled DNA Photonic Wire for Long-Range Energy Transfer
A membrane anchored DNA-based energy/electron transfer assembly
Addressable molecular node assembly - high information density DNA nanostructures
Characterization and use of tricyclic fluorescent nucleic acid base analogues
Enhanced pi conjugation around a porphyrin[6] nanoring
Temperature dependence of electronic coupling through oligo-p-phenyleneethynylene bridges
Conformational dynamics of DNA polymerase probed with a novel fluorescent DNA base analogue
Addressable high-information-density DNA nanostructures
Tryptophan Orientation in Model Lipid Membranes
Probing the efficiency of electron transfer through porphyrin-based molecular wires
Charge recombination versus charge separation in donor-bridge-acceptor systems
Electron and energy transfer in donor-acceptor systems with conjugated molecular bridges
Determination of the triplet state energies of a series of conjugated porphyrin oligomers
Triplex addressability as a basis for functional DNA nanostructures
Non-exponential distance dependence of bridge-mediated electronic coupling
All-photonic molecular half-adder
Triplet photophysics of gold(III) porphyrins
Controlling excitation energy and electron transfer by tuning the electronic coupling
Molecular AND logic gate based on electric dichroism of a photochromic dihydroindolizine
Photophysical Characterization of Fluorescent DNA Base Analogue, tC
Photoinduced hole transfer from the triplet state in a porphyrin-based donor-bridge-acceptor system
The gold porphyrin first excited singlet state
Temperature and viscosity dependence of the triplet energy transfer process in porphyrin dimers
Bridge-dependent electron transfer in porphyrin-based donor-bridge-acceptor systems
Control of electron transfer in supramolecular systems
The photophysical properties of the adenine chromophore
The origin of lignin fluorescence
Conformers of n-Si5Me12: A comparison of ab initio and molecular mechanics methods
Investigation of three stilbene derivatives by x-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy
Mediated energy transfer in covalently linked porphyrin dimers
Dual fluorescence from N-6,N-6-dimethyladenosine
Assignment of electronic transition moment directions of adenine from linear dichroism measurements
Electronic transition moments of 2-aminopurine
Matrix-isolation IR and UV spectra of Si3H8 and Si4H10: Isomers and conformers of oligosilanes
Conformers of saturated chains: Matrix isolation, structure, IR and UV spectra of n-Si(4)Me(10)
The Gauche, Ortho, and Anti Conformers of Perfluoro-N-Butane - Matrix-Isolation Ir-Spectra
Determination of Equilibrium-Constants by Chemometric Analysis of Spectroscopic Data
Quantitative Spectral Analysis Without Reference Samples
The Electronically Excited-States of 2-Phenylindole
Cross-Desorption of Differently Adsorbed Carbon-Monoxide on Pd Alpha-Al2o3 by Means of Acetylene
Excited Electronic States of the Purine Chromophore
Characterization of the Electronic-Structure of 4',6-Diamidino-2-Phenylindole
Characterization of the Spectroscopic Properties of Aromatic-Molecules by Polarized Spectroscopy
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Showing 7 research projects
All-visable-light activated molecular switches towards smart light-responsive optoelectroics devices
Enabling High Energy Photochemistry through Photon Upconversion
Singlet Fission, a molecular approach to break the Shockley-Queisser limit for solar energy devices
Unconventional Technology for Solar Electricity
Functionalized DNA Nanostructures for Energy and Electron Transfer Applications
Photon Fission & Fusion: Beyond the Limits of Conventional Solar Energy Technologies