Erik Fransson

Showing 31 publications
Octahedral Tilt-Driven Phase Transitions in BaZrS<inf>3</inf> Chalcogenide Perovskite
Untangling the Raman spectra of cubic and tetragonal BaZrO3
Understanding Correlations in BaZrO<inf>3</inf>: Structure and Dynamics on the Nanoscale
calorine: A Python package for constructing and sampling neuroevolution potential models
Construction and Sampling of Alloy Cluster Expansions—A Tutorial
Impact of Organic Spacers and Dimensionality on Templating of Halide Perovskites
Anharmonicity of the antiferrodistortive soft mode in barium zirconate BaZrO3
Phase Transitions in Inorganic Halide Perovskites from Machine-Learned Potentials
Quantifying Dynamic Tilting in Halide Perovskites: Chemical Trends and Local Correlations
Extremely anisotropic van der Waals thermal conductors
A tale of two phase diagrams: Interplay of ordering and hydrogen uptake in Pd–Au–H
Atomic-scale investigation of interfacial structures in WC-Co at finite temperatures
Defects from phonons: Atomic transport by concerted motion in simple crystalline metals
Thermal conductivity in intermetallic clathrates: A first-principles perspective
ICET - A Python Library for Constructing and Sampling Alloy Cluster Expansions
The Hiphive Package for the Extraction of High-Order Force Constants by Machine Learning
Atomicrex-a general purpose tool for the construction of atomic interaction models
A Solution-Doped Polymer Semiconductor:Insulator Blend for Thermoelectrics
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Showing 2 research projects
Flerskalsmodellering av plastisk deformation av hårdmetaller.
Computational Materials Design Of Transport Properties