Mikael Fogelström
My education in physics, both under graduate and graduate, was at Åbo Akademi and I received my PhD in 1995 under the supervision of prof. Juhani Kurkijärvi. The topic of my PhD dissertation was theoretical and numerical studies of superfluid 3He. I did postdoctoral research at Northwestern University (1996-1998) and at Karlsruhe University of Technology (1998-2000). Since August 2000 I have been working at Chalmers, first at the department of physics and form 2003 at the department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2). Main topics in my research fall in the field of mesoscopic and unconventional superconductivity. Recently, research on graphene and topological materials have been added to the portfolio.

Showing 56 publications
SuperConga: An open-source framework for mesoscopic superconductivity
Transport properties of vertical heterostructures under light irradiation
Highly efficient UV detection in a metal-semiconductor-metal detector with epigraphene
Disorder-robust phase crystal in high-temperature superconductors stabilized by strong correlations
Transport through vertical graphene contacts under intense laser fields
Broken translational symmetry at edges of high-temperature superconductors
Graphene plasmons: Impurities and nonlocal effects
Current-controlled light scattering and asymmetric plasmon propagation in graphene
Graphene plasmons in the presence of adatoms
High-sensitivity plasmonic refractive index sensing using graphene
Correlated Cooper pair transport and microwave photon emission in the dynamical Coulomb blockade
Basic Theory of Electron Transport Through Molecular Contacts
Optical signatures of nonlocal plasmons in graphene
Spectral properties of superconductors with ferromagnetically ordered magnetic impurities
Antibunched Photons from Inelastic Cooper-Pair Tunneling
Spontaneously broken time-reversal symmetry in high-temperature superconductors
Lifshitz transition in the double-core vortex in 3He-B
Input-output description of microwave radiation in the dynamical Coulomb blockade
Spin-polarized Shapiro steps and spin-precession-assisted multiple Andreev reflection
Charge transport in InAs nanowire Josephson junctions
Two-channel point-contact tunneling theory of superconductors
Model Evidence of a Superconducting State with a Full Energy Gap in Small Cuprate Islands
Nonclassical Photon Pair Production in a Voltage-Biased Josephson Junction
Critical charge and spin Josephson currents through a precessing spin
Tunneling limit of heavy-fermion point contacts
Nonequilibrium effects in a Josephson junction coupled to a precessing spin
Point-contact spectroscopy in heavy-fermion superconductors
Josephson current through a precessing spin
Josephson current through a precessing classical spin
Impurity scattering and Mott's formula in graphene
Large Thermoelectric Effects and Inelastic Scattering in Unconventional Superconductors
Spin-dependent Proximity Effects in d-wave Superconductor/Half-metal Heterostructures
LowTemperature Thermal Conductivity of Superconductors With Gap Nodes
Low-temperature thermal conductivity of superconductors with gap nodes
Transfer-matrix description of heterostructures involving superconductors and ferromagnets
Large Thermoelectric Effects in Unconventional Superconductors.
Excess current in superconducting Sr2RuO4
Singlet-Triplet Mixing in Superconductor-Ferromagnet Hybrid Devices
Nonlinear magnetic field dependence of the conductance in d-wave NIS tunnel junctions.
conInvestigation of Sr2RuO4-Pt tacts in an applied magnetic field
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Showing 6 research projects
Ordered phases and transport phenomena in 2D materials
Epitaxiell grafen för metrologi, sensorer och elektronik
Små okonventionella supraledare gryn och supraledande kontakter
Graphene-Based Revolutions in ICT And Beyond (Graphene Flagship)
Competing order in strongly correlated superconductors and in unconventional hybrid junctions
The Swedish Graphene Initiative