Marija Cvijovic
The research focus is on the systems biology of ageing and protein-folding diseases. To approach these problems group is developing highly specialized dynamic models complemented with experimental work. The goal is to understand mechanisms that lead to the formation of protein-folding diseases and relate biochemical cellular processes to healthy ageing and longevity. By pursuing these goals, important scientific information will be available to address key priorities for public health policy in the 21st century.

Showing 45 publications
Network medicine: facilitating a new view on complex diseases
The Effect of Lithium on the Budding Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae upon Stress Adaptation
Scalable and flexible inference framework for stochastic dynamic single-cell models
Modelling of glucose repression signalling in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Fine-Tuning of Energy Levels Regulates SUC2 via a SNF1-Dependent Feedback Loop
Symmetry structures in dynamic models of biochemical systems
Challenge model of TNFα turnover at varying LPS and drug provocations
Adaptive damage retention mechanism enables healthier yeast population
Bayesian hierarchical model of oscillatory cortisol response during drug intervention
Integrative analysis of omics data
Single-cell study links metabolism with nutrient signaling and reveals sources of variability
Strategies for structuring interdisciplinary education in systems biology: An European perspective
Stress granule-defective mutants deregulate stress responsive transcripts
Bridging the gaps in systems biology
Kinetic models in industrial biotechnology - Improving cell factory performance
Removal of damaged proteins during ES cell fate specification requires the proteasome activator PA28
yApoptosis: yeast apoptosis database
Boolean model of yeast apoptosis as a tool to study yeast and human apoptotic regulations
Does ketoprofen or diclofenac pose the lowest risk to fish?
Mathematical models of cell factories: moving towards the core of industrial biotechnology
BioMet Toolbox: genome-wide analysis of metabolism
Selective benefits of damage partitioning in unicellular systems and its effects on aging
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