Ola Nylander
Ola Nylander, Professor and PhD, teaches in the subject of housing architecture with courses in year 1 and 2, in the course Building and climate for Architecture and Engineering at year 2, and master studio Housing inventions. Ola Nylander's research focuses on housing with FoU projects for, among others, HSB, public housing companies, the tenants’ organization. Ola Nylander is one of the researchers involved in the AIDAH project. In 2013 he published the book Swedish housing 1850-2000. Nylander writes regularly about architecture in newspapers and the architecture press. Since 2017 Nylander is director of Centre of Housing Architecture.

Showing 59 publications
The Human City: The Development of an Easy-to-Use Assessment Method Calibrated to Swedish Conditions
Public’s Visual Preferences Survey Facilitates Community-Based Design and Color Standards Creation
Oförsvarligt att riva landshövdingehusen i Kvillestaden
Potential för kvarboende. Sovrumskapacitet - rumslig närhet - funktionell autonomi
Tät blandstad passar inte överallt i Göteborg
Debatt – Hög tid för socialt bostadsbyggande.
Riv inte 1700-tals husen på Smedjegatan
Residential architecture and atmosphere: what is the impact on wellbeing and health?
Rummet gör patienterna friskare
Sverige är världsbäst på bostadsbrist
Göteborg behöver fler boulevarder
Architecture and ecology as Agents and Symbols of Community Transformation
Atmosphere, wellbeing and health in residential architecture: linkages to neuroscience?
Bygg ett bostadshus med dina vänner
Chalmers Arkitekturs årsbok 2011
Bostadens rum. Chalmersarkitekter om bostadens kvalitéer
Bostad 1999-2001, Svenska arkitekters bostadspris
Bostadens gestaltning : analys av arkitektoniska egenskaper i fyra fallstudier
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Showing 5 research projects
Digital analys, simulering och verifiering av boendekvaliteter
Spaces – glasade utrymmen för ett resurseffektivt, socialt och hälsofrämjande boende