Arsalan Pourkabirian

Showing 25 publications


Investigation of Noise Properties in the InP HEMT for LNAs in Qubit Amplification: Effects From Channel Indium Content

Junjie Li, Johan Bergsten, Arsalan Pourkabirian et al
IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society. Vol. 12, p. 243-248
Journal article

Optimization of InGaAs Channel for Cryogenic InP HEMT Low-Noise Amplifiers

Junjie Li, Johan Bergsten, Arsalan Pourkabirian et al
Other conference contribution

Optimization of Channel Structures in InP HEMT Technology for Cryogenic Low-Noise and Low-Power Operation

Eunjung Cha, Niklas Wadefalk, Giuseppe Moschetti et al
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. Vol. 70 (5), p. 2431-2436
Journal article

Influence of Spacer Thickness on the Noise Performance in InP HEMTs for Cryogenic LNAs

Junjie Li, Arsalan Pourkabirian, Johan Bergsten et al
IEEE Electron Device Letters. Vol. 43 (7), p. 1029-1032
Journal article

On the relation between rf noise and subthreshold swing in InP HEMTs for cryogenic LNAs

Junjie Li, Arsalan Pourkabirian, Johan Bergsten et al
Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, APMC. Vol. 2022-November, p. 10-12
Paper in proceeding

A 300-mu W Cryogenic HEMT LNA for Quantum Computing

Eunjung Cha, Niklas Wadefalk, Giuseppe Moschetti et al
Paper in proceeding

A 300-µW Cryogenic HEMT LNA for Quantum Computing

Eunjung Cha, Niklas Wadefalk, Giuseppe Moschetti et al
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest. Vol. 2020-August, p. 1299-1302
Paper in proceeding

III-V HEMTs for cryogenic low noise amplifiers

Jan Grahn, Eunjung Cha, Arsalan Pourkabirian et al
Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM. Vol. 2020-December, p. 25.6.1-25.6.4
Paper in proceeding

Strong Geometrical Magnetoresistance and Angular Dependence in InP HEMTs for cryogenic LNAs

Isabel Harrysson Rodrigues, David Niepce, Arsalan Pourkabirian et al
Other conference contribution

On the angular dependence of InP high electron mobility transistors for cryogenic low noise amplifiers in a magnetic field

Isabel Harrysson Rodrigues, David Niepce, Arsalan Pourkabirian et al
AIP Advances. Vol. 9 (8)
Journal article

Angular Dependence of InP High Electron Mobility Transistors for Cryogenic Low Noise Amplifiers under a magnetic field

Isabel Harrysson Rodrigues, David Niepce, Giuseppe Moschetti et al
Paper in proceeding

Magnetic Influence on Cryogenic InP HEMT DC Characteristics

Isabel Harrysson Rodrigues, Arsalan Pourkabirian, Giuseppe Moschetti et al
CSW 2018 Proceedings, p. 183-183
Other conference contribution

Magnetic Influence on CryogenicInP HEMT LNAs

Isabel Harrysson Rodrigues, Arsalan Pourkabirian, Giuseppe Moschetti et al
Other conference contribution

0.3-14 and 16-28 GHz Wide-Bandwidth Cryogenic MMIC Low-Noise Amplifiers

Eunjung Cha, Niklas Wadefalk, Per Ake Nilsson et al
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. Vol. 66 (11), p. 4860-4869
Journal article

Cryogenic W-band LNA for ALMA band 2+3 with average noise temperature of 24 K

Yulung Tang, Niklas Wadefalk, J. Kooi et al
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, p. 176-179
Paper in proceeding

Cryogenic LNAs for SKA band 2 to 5

Joel Schleeh, Giuseppe Moschetti, Niklas Wadefalk et al
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, p. 164-167
Paper in proceeding

Two-Finger InP HEMT Design for Stable Cryogenic Operation of Ultra-Low-Noise Ka- and Q-Band LNAs

Eunjung Cha, Giuseppe Moschetti, Niklas Wadefalk et al
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. Vol. 65 (12), p. 5171-5180
Journal article

Cryogenic Low Noise Amplifiers in an InP HEMT MMIC Process

Per-Åke Nilsson, Arsalan Pourkabirian, Joel Schleeh et al
Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, APMC 2015, Nanjing, China, 6-9 December 2015. Vol. 1, p. Art. no. 7411746-
Paper in proceeding

Cryogenic low-noise InP HEMTs: A source-drain distance study

Eunjung Cha, Arsalan Pourkabirian, Joel Schleeh et al
2016 Compound Semiconductor Week, CSW 2016, p. Article number 7528576-
Paper in proceeding

Probing the quantum vacuum with an artificial atom in front of a mirror

Io Chun Hoi, Anton Frisk Kockum, Lars Tornberg et al
Nature Physics. Vol. 11 (12), p. 1045-1049
Journal article

Nonequilibrium probing of two-level charge fluctuators using the step response of a single-electron transistor

Arsalan Pourkabirian, Martin Gustafsson, Göran Johansson et al
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 113 (25), p. 256801-
Journal article

Probing quantum and classical noise in nano circuits

Arsalan Pourkabirian
Doctoral thesis

Thermal properties of charge noise sources

Martin Gustafsson, Arsalan Pourkabirian, Göran Johansson et al
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 88 (24), p. Art. no. 245410-
Journal article

Observation of the dynamical Casimir effect in a superconducting circuit

Christopher Wilson, Göran Johansson, Arsalan Pourkabirian et al
Nature. Vol. 479 (7373), p. 376-9
Journal article

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