Robert Kliger
Visar 79 publikationer
Advanced Assessment of Welded Bridges for Fatigue and Brittle Fracture
Wood-based beams strengthened with FRP laminates: improved performance with pre-stressed systems
Stress-laminated-timber decks: state of the art and design based on Swedish practice
An approach to the development of connections between fibre reinforced polymer bridge decks
FRP reinforcement of timber structures
A new method for strengthening concrete structures using prestressed FRP laminates
In situ assessment of the timber floor structure of the Skansen Lejonet fortification, Sweden
Modelling of bending creep of low-and high-temperature-dried spruce timber
Compression failure mechanism in small scale timber specimens
Stress-Laminated Timber Decks Subjected to Eccentric Loads in the Ultimate Limit State
Stress-Laminated Timber Bridge Decks: Non-linear Effects in Ultimate and Serviceability Limit States
Vibration response of long cable-stayed timber footbridge – case study
Assessment of Density in Timber Using X-Ray Equipment
Non-linear analysis of a stress-laminated-timber bridge loaded to failure
Full-Scale Ultimate-Load Test of a Stress-Laminated-Timber Bridge Deck
Non-Destructive In-Situ Assessment of the Vasa Warship: A Case Study
Timber bridges in Sweden - On-going research and steadily expanding market
Timber reinforced FRP: Compression failure mechanism
Design of Adehsive Joints in FRP-Bonded Steel Beams
Non-destructive investigation of material properties of the Vasa warship: a pilot study
The influence of material properties on the amount of twist of spruce wood during kiln drying
On-Site X-ray Assessment of Density in Timber Structures
Timber Quality for the Construction Industry
Anchorage systems to reduce the loss of pre-stress in stress-laminated timber bridges
Ultimate limit state load test of stress-laminated-timber deck
Density Calibration Using X-ray Equipment for In-Situ Assessment of Timber Structures
Performance of steel beams strengthened with CFRP laminate - Part 1: Laboratory tests
Density calibration using X-ray equipment for in-situ assessment of timber structures
Effect of Laminate Tapering on Strain Distribution in Adhesive Joints: Experimental Investigation
Strengthening Glulam Beams with Steel and Composite Plates
Mechanical Properties of Stress Laminated Timber Decks – Experimental study
Effect of laminate tapering on strain distribution in adhesive joints: an experimental investigation
Timber-framed partition walls and their restraining effect on warp - A model for spring
Strengthening timber with CFRP or steel plates - Short and long-term performance
Anchoring Pre-stressed FRP laminates
Effect of tapering on interfacial stresses in adhesive joints without adhesive fillet
Bending creep performance of modified timber
Strengthening Glulam Beams with Steel and Composite Plates
Strengthening steel structures with bonded CFRP
Control of Interfacial Stresses in Beams Strengthened with Prestressed CFRP Laminates
Standardised information flow for connections in industrialised construction
Material properties and their interrelation in chemically modified clear wood of Scots pine
Partition walls and their restraining effect on warp in built-in wall studs
Restraining moisture-related twist in timber structures
Strengthening steel beams using bonded Carbon-Fibre-Reinforced-Polymers laminates
Analysis of interfacial shear stresses in beams strengthened with bonded prestressed laminates
Pre-twisting during sawing results in straight studs
Bonding strength and fracture mechanisms in composite steel-CFRP elements
Experimental study of material properties of modified Scots pine
Distortion and Material Properties of High-Temperature Dried Spruce Timber
The Behavior, Strength and Fracture Mechanisms in Composite Steel-CFRP Members
The builders' view on drying quality and its consequences
Fatigue performance of stringer-to-floor-beam connections in riveted railway bridges
What happens when timber leaves the kiln - examples taken from wall construction
Restraining forces preventing twist in the in-service conditions in timber studs
Overlooked Secondary Effects in Open-Deck Truss Bridges
Influence of time and moisture on distortion of partition walls
FE analysis of stringer-to-floor-beam connections in riveted railway bridges
Dynamisk mätning av elasticitetsmodul på stockar - en möjlig sorteringsmetod?
Experimentelle untersuchung des ermudungsverhaltens genieteter trager
Stressed-Skin Panels of Mixed Construction - Using Wood-Based Materials, Especially Chipboard
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Visar 6 forskningsprojekt
Förbättrad prestanda för multimodala transportinfrastrukt map byggandet och underhåll
Design och upphandling av FRP broar
Låg störning och hållbara tekniker för infrastruktur i urbana miljöer (PANTURA)