Erland Johnson
Visar 61 publikationer
Fatigue of mooring lines in wave energy parks
Predicting failure of dynamic subsea cables by electrical insulation breakdown due to water treeing
Evaluation of an electro-mechanical model of vented water tree inception in polyethylene insulation
Crack propagation in dynamic power cables
Mechanical reliability analysis of flexible power cables for marine energy
Mechanical reliability of flexible power cables for marine energy
Analysis of interaction effects between WECs in four types of wave farms
Models for design and fatigue analysis of dynamic power cables for wave energy converters
A methodology for design and fatigue analysis of power cables for wave energy converters
Analysis of interaction effects between WECs in four types of wave farms
Reduction in ultimate strength capacity of corroded ships involved in collision accidents
Comparison of mooring solutions and array systems for point absorbing wave energy devices
Cost and weight of composite ship structures - a parametric study based on DNV rules
Shock analysis of a stern ramp using dynamic design analysis method
Performance assessment of the crashworthiness of corroded ship hulls
Structural fire integrity testing of lightweight multiple core sandwich structures
Characterization of non-crimp fabric laminates: loss of accuracy due to strain measuring techniques
Parametric study of the mechanical characteristics of power cables under dynamic motions
Modelling approaches for reliability estimations of fibre-reinforced plastic laminates
Study on the possibility of increasing the maximum allowable stresses in fibre-reinforced plastics
Effects of matrix cracking on the estimation of operational limits of FRP laminates
Optimization of composite maritime structures-effects of uncertainties on design criteria and limits
A method for assessment of the survival time of a ship damaged by collision
Optimization of composite maritime structures - effects of uncertainties on design criteria limits
A method for assessment of the survival time of a ship damaged by collision
Experimental and numerical investigation of bulb impact with a ship side-shell structure
Holistic assessment of ship survivability and risk after damage
Stress and Fatigue Analysis of a Bow-Door Arm
Lateral spårstabilitet -- slutrapport
A model for short crack propagation in polycrystalline materials
Fatigue crack initiation based on simulations on the mesoscopic scale
Anisotropic damage modeling based on mesomechanical simulations
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Visar 8 forskningsprojekt
SHARC - utvärdering av riskerna för fartygs struktur och stabilitet vid kollision och grundstötning
ELASTMOOR - Elastiska förankringssystem för vågenergiomvandlare
FoU av dynamiska lågspänningskablage mellan boj och flytande hubb i ett marint energisystem