Kristian Lindgren
Kristian Lindgren är professor i komplexa system. Han har en bakgrund i teknisk fysik, men har sedan doktorandtiden på 1980-talet arbetat med komplexa system inom olika discipliner. Några huvudområden är (i) informationsteori för komplexa och självorganiserande system, (ii) spelteori för evolutionära system och (iii) agentbaserad modellering av ekonomiska system. Sedan mitten på 1990-talet har Lindgren även arbetat inom energisystemomådet med utveckling av modeller för regional och global energianvändning i ett klimatperspektiv.
Lindgren är studierektor för forskarskolan i komplexa system och lärare och examinator inom det internationella masterprogrammet Complex Adaptive Systems.
Visar 68 publikationer
Modeling the emergence of affective polarization in the social media society
Statistics of the bifurcation in quantum measurement
Context Matters: Exploring the Cost-effectiveness of Fixed Payments and Procurement Auctions for PES
Bifurcation in Quantum Measurement
Strategic reasoning and bargaining in catastrophic climate change games
A cobweb model of land-use competition between food and bioenergy crops
Impacts on Stability of Interdependencies Between Markets in a Cobweb Model
Expressing the entropy of lattice systems as sums of conditional entropies
Description of the global energy systems model GET-RC 6.1
A Critical Assessment of Energy - economy - climate Models for Policy Analysis
A critical assessment of energy-economy-climate models
A conceptual partial equilibrium model of global agricultural land use
Low-CO2 Electricity and Hydrogen: A Help or Hindrance for Electric and Hydrogen Vehicles?
On the equivalence between stochastic baker's maps and two-dimensional spin systems
OPEC strategies and oil rent in a climate conscious world
Continuity of information transport in surjective cellular automata
Biomass for heat or as transportation fuel? - a comparison between two model based studies
Major oil exporters may profit rather than lose, in a carbon-constrained world.
Biomass for heat or as transportation fuel? A comparison between two model-based studies
Induced technological change in a limited foresight optimization model
Cost-effective use of biomass - A comparison between two model based studies
The effect of finite population size on the evolutionary dynamics in multi-person Prisoner’s Dilemma
A simple model for cognitive processing in repeated games
A spatial network explanation for a hierarchy of urban power laws.
Cooperation driven by mutations in multi-person Prisoner's Dilemma
Flows of information in spatially extended chemical dynamics
War of attrition with implicit time cost
Catastrophic events and stochastic cost-benefit analysis of climate change
Catastrophic events and stochastic cost-benefit analysis of climate change.
The urban economy as a scale-free network
The urban economy as a scale-free network.
Urban growth from "first principles".
Complexity of two-dimensional patterns
Evolutionary dynamics in game-theoretic models
Constant Quota versus Constant Effort Harvesting.
Socio-ecological Indicators for Sustainability.
Stability Analysis of Harvesting in a Predator-Prey Model.
Evolutionary dynamics of spatial games
Materials Flows: On the metabolism of the industrial society in a sustainability perspective
Evolutionary phenomena in simple dynamics
Universal Computation in Simple One-Dimensional Cellular Automata
Complexity Measures and Cellular Automata
Correlations and Random Information in Cellular Automata
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt
En agent-baserad ansats för analys och modellering av energisystem i omvandling