Christer Fureby
Visar 38 publikationer
Large-Eddy Simulation of an Oscillating Cylinder in a Steady Flow
Large Eddy Simulation of High Re Number Partially Separated Flow
Current Capabilities of DES and LES for Submarines at Straight Course
Large-Eddy Simulation: Current Capabilities, Recommended Practices, and Future Research
LES of the Flow Around an Oscillating Cylinder
LES of the Flow Past an Inclined 6:1 Prolate Spheroid
Large Eddy Simulation of Junction Vortex Flows
Large Eddy Simulation of Ship Hydrodynamics
Large Eddy Simulation Past the DTMB 5415 Hull
Towards the use of Large Eddy Simulation in Engineering
Towards Large Eddy Simulation in Engineering
LES at Work: Quality Management in Practical LES
Numerical Simulations of the Flow Around a 6:1 Prolate Spheroid
On the justification and extension of mixed models in LES
Large Eddy Simulation of Viscous Flow around a Submarine During Maneuver
LES at Work: Quality Management in Practical LES
On LES and DES of Wall Bounded Flows
Large Eddy Simulation of the Transient Flow around a Submarine during Maneuver
Large Eddy Simulations for Marine Flows
ILES and LES of Complex Engineering Flows
Large Eddy Simulation of the Viscous Flow around a Submarine During Maneuver
A Comparative Study of RANS, DES and LES
Large Eddy Simulation of The Cavitating Flow Around a Wing Section
LES and DES of high Reynolds Number Wall Bounded Flows
ILES and LES of Complex Engineering Flows
LES, DES and RANS of high Reynolds Number, Wall Bounded Flows
Comparison of DES and LES for separated flow over an axisymmetric hill
Scale Similarity Revisited in LES
Numerical Investigation of the flow over An Axisymmetric Hill using LES, DES and RANS
3D Unsteady Computations for Submarine-Like Bodies
Large Eddy Simulation of the Viscous Flow around Submarine Hulls
On large eddy simulation of high Reynolds number wall bounded flows
Flow around a Circular Cylinder at Re=3900 and 140,000
Simulation of the viscous flow around submarine hulls
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