Rogardt Heldal
Visar 73 publikationer
A Data-Flow Oriented Software Architecture for Heterogeneous Marine Data Streams
Sustainability competencies and skills in software engineering: An industry perspective
Architecture evaluation in continuous development
Marine Data Sharing: Challenges, Technology Drivers and Quality Attributes
What Makes Agile Software Development Agile
Agile Beyond Teams and Feedback Beyond Software in Automotive Systems
Software Sustainability: Beyond the Tower of Babel
Beyond connected cars: A systems of systems perspective
Catching up with Method and Process Practice: An Industry-Informed Baseline for Researchers
On interfaces to support agile architecting in automotive: An exploratory case study
Improving the consistency and usefulness of architecture descriptions: Guidelines for architects
The Impact of Requirements on Systems Development Speed: A Multiple-Case Study in Automotive
The manager perspective on requirements impact on automotive systems development speed
Transparency and contracts: Continuous integration and delivery in the automotive ecosystem
For Free: Continuity and Change by Team Teaching
Model Driven Software Engineering in Education: A Multi-Case Study on Perception of Tools and UML
Hybrid software and systems development in practice: Perspectives from Sweden and Uganda
An industrial case study on an architectural assumption documentation framework
How do Practitioners Perceive the Relevance of Requirements Engineering Research? An Ongoing Study
Architectural assumptions and their management in industry – An exploratory study
A taxonomy of tool-related issues affecting the adoption of model-driven engineering
Automotive Architecture Framework: The experience of Volvo Cars
Impact of Introducing Domain-Specific Modelling in Software Maintenance: An Industrial Case Study
A proposal for an Automotive Architecture Framework for Volvo Cars
Descriptive vs Prescriptive Models in Industry
Architecting cars as constituents of a system of systems
Impact of the use of industrial modelling tools on modelling education
Ready for Prime Time, - Yes, Industrial-Grade Modelling Tools can be Used in Education
Architecting in the Automotive Domain: Descriptive vs Prescriptive Architecture
CASE Tools versus Pencil and Paper - A Student's Perspective on Modeling Software Design
Agile Model-Driven Engineering in Mechatronic Systems - An Industrial Case Study
Comparing and Contrasting Model-Driven Engineering at Three Large Companies
The Relevance of Model-Driven Engineering Thirty years from Now
Translating Platform-Independent Code into Natural Language Texts
Enabling Interface Validation through Text Generation
Opportunities for Agile Documentation Using Natural Language Generation
Model-based, Composable Simulation for the Development of Autonomous Miniature Vehicles
Industrial Adoption of Model-Driven Engineering: Are the Tools Really the Problem?
Pair Lecturing Model-Driven Software Development
Modeling executable test actors: Exploratory study done in executable and translatable UML
Pair lecturing to model modeling and encourage active learning
Pair Lecturing - Catching that teachable moment
Industrial Experiences from Multi-Paradigmatic Modelling of Signal Processing
Automotive system development using reference architectures
Pair lecturing to enhance reflective practice and teacher development
Limits of Model Transformations for Embedded Software
CompSize: A Model-Based and Automated Approach to Size Estimation of Embedded Software Components
A Practical Approach to Size Estimation of Embedded Software Components
Natural Language Generation from Class Diagrams
CompSize: Automated Size Estimation of Embedded Software Components
Assessing individuals in team projects: A case study from computer science
A Model-Based and Automated Approach to Size Estimation of Embedded Software Components
Students’ and Teachers’ Views on Fair Grades - Is it Possible to Reach a Shared Understanding?
Executable and Translatable UML - How Difficult Can It Be?
Categorization of Real-Time Software Components for Code Size Estimation
On the Relationship between Functional Size and Software Code Size
Estimation of Real-Time Software Code Size using COSMIC FSM
On the Relationship between Different Size Measures in the Software Life Cycle
Estimation of Real-Time System Software Size using Function Points
Estimation of Real-Time Software Component Size
Customer Validation of Formal Contracts
Customer Validation of Formal Contracts
Applying Task-based Division in Multi-layered Design - An Industrial Case Study
Use Cases are more than System Operations
Supporting Confidentiality in UML: A Profile for the Decentralized Label Model
From Informal to Formal Specifications in UML
Bridging model-based and language-based security
The Treatment of Polymorphism and Modules in a Partial Evaluator
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