Robert Hult
Visar 28 publikationer
Energy Efficient Optimization-Based Coordination of Electric Automated Vehicles in Confined Areas
Optimization based coordination of autonomous vehicles in confined areas
Optimisation-based coordination of connected, automated vehicles at intersections
An Interior Point Algorithm for Optimal Coordination of Automated Vehicles at Intersections
Optimal Coordination of Automated Vehicles at Intersections: Theory and Experiments
Optimal Coordination of Automated Vehicles at Intersections with Turns
Optimization-based coordination strategies for connected and autonomous vehicles
Experimental Validation of Distributed Optimal Vehicle Coordination
Collision-Aware Communication for Intersection Management of Automated Vehicles
Energy-Optimal Coordination of Autonomous Vehicles at Intersections
Distributed Control Algorithm for Vehicle Coordination at Traffic Intersections
An MIQP-based heuristic for Optimal Coordination of Vehicles at Intersections
Distributed Algorithm for Optimal Vehicle Coordination at Traffic Intersections
A Distributed Algorithm for Optimal Vehicle Coordination at Traffic Intersecitons
Primal decomposition of the optimal coordination of vehicles at traffic intersections
Coordination of Cooperative Autonomous Vehicles: Toward safer and more efficient road transportation
An approximate solution to the optimal coordination problem for autonomous vehicles at intersections
Communication analysis for centralized intersection crossing coordination
Cooperative receding horizon conflict resolution at traffic intersections
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