Jikuang Yang
Visar 136 publikationer
A Study of Lumbar Disc Injury under Typical Frontal Impact Load
Investigation of chest biomechanical response by variation of restraint loads in frontal impact
Influence of Restraint Load on Injury Biomechanics in Frontal Impact Based on Dummy Test
The influence of impact speed on chest injury outcome in whole body frontal sled impacts
Knee Kinetics Responses to Frontal Impact with Active Muscle Function During Vehicle Crash
Development of a human head and neck muscle activation control model based on BPNN
Injury Analysis and Prevention in Vehicle Safety
Investigation of chest injury mechanism caused by different seatbelt loads in frontal impact
Finite element analysis of the effect of material properties on human thoracic impact response
Numerical analysis of human thoracic injury responses in vehicle lateral and oblique crashes
Pedestrian injury trends evaluated by comparison of the PCDs and GIDAS databases
Pedestrian lower extremity injury risk in car-pedestrian collisions
Numerical investigations of rib fracture failure models in different dynamic loading conditions
A study on the dynamic response and injury of cyclist based on car-bicycle accident reconstruction
The influence of gait stance on pedestrian lower limb injury risk
Predicting the effects of pedestrian gait on lower limb injuries
An optimization design of knee airbag for driver protection from inter-city coach frontal impact
Finite element analysis on human thorax responses under quasi-static and dynamic loading
A numerical study on pedestrian kinematics and injury parameters in bus collisions
Finite element analysis of human rib fracture under various impact loading conditions
Development of head injury risk functions based on real-world accident reconstruction
Study on urban road speed limit for pedestrian and bicyclist traffic safety
Finite element analysis of thorax responses under quasi-static and dynamic loading
A study on kinematics of electric-bicycle-rider in car collisions based on traffic accident data
Study of vehicle front structure crashworthiness based on pole impact with different position
Finite element modeling of crash test behavior for windshield laminated glass
Influence of human body size on lower limb injury parameters in car-pedestrian collisions
Influence of neck dynamic response on head injuries in passenger car to pedestrian collisions
Research and optimization of crashworthiness in small overlap head-on collision
Hood design analysis of child-pedestrian head protection
A study on the application of energy-dissipating protection device in car-to-truck rear underride
A study on throw distance of electric bicycle and cyclist based on accident reconstruction
Influence of front structure on compatibility between sedan and SUV in oblique crash
FEA of helmet-head injury protection based on motorcycle accident reconstruction
A study on motor-scooter accidents in China and Germany
Frontal structure improvement on car based on RCAR impact test
Lightweight design of B-pillar with TRB concept considering crashworthiness
Pedestrian shoulder and spine kinematics in full-scale PMHS tests for human body model evaluation
Modeling and validation of windscreen laminated glass behavior during fracture
Optimization of anti-whiplash seat
A study on crashworthiness of rhombus concept car
Research on the effect of rear seat structure on child occupant safety
Optimization of longitudinal beam for improvement of crashworthiness in frontal and offset impacts
A study on rear seat occupant injuries in side impact
Influence of vehicle front structure on compatibility of passenger car-to-SUV frontal crash
Optimization of thorax-pelvic airbag for occupant safety in vehicle side impact
Effects of bull bars on head and lower extremity injuries in vehicle-pedestrian collision
Optimization of bumper system for pedestrian lower leg protection from vehicle impact
A study on protecting of the far side occupants based on road traffic accident reconstruction
Finite element analysis of kinematic behaviour and injuries to pedestrians in vehicle collisions
Assessment of the protective performance of hood using head FE model in car-to-pedestrian collisions
Effects of Vehicle Impact Velocity, Vehicle Front-End Shapes on Pedestrian Injury Risk
A comparative study on biofidelity between TRL and LSTC legform impactor
Overview of Research on Injury Biomechanics in Car-Pedestrian Collisions
Effects of Vehicle Impact Velocity on Pedestrian Fatal Injury Risk
Adult and child pedestrian head impact condition as a function of vehicle front end geometry
Study of the structural response and occupant injury in side pole impact to a passenger car
Protection efficiency of side airbag on child occupant
Finite Element Analysis of Lower Extremity Fractures in Vehicle-Pedestrian Collision
Multi-objective optimization of child restraint system for vehicle side impact
A Study of Car Safety Performance in Side Impact Using Human Head FE model
Optimization of a Reversible Hood for Protecting a Pedestrian's Head during Car Collisions
A Reversible Bumper System for Protecting Pedestrian Lower Limbs from Car Collisions
Optimisation of vehicle side interior panels for occupant safety in side impact
Brain injury prediction for vulnerable road users in vehicle accidents using mathematical models
Logistic regression analysis of pedestrian casualty risk in passenger vehicle collisions in China
FE modeling of the human neck responses in low-speed car collisions
Assessment of a Safe Bumper System Using a Pedestrian Lower Limb FE Model
A Study of Car Safety Performance in Side Impact Using Human Head FE model
A Study on Head Injury Risk in Car-to-Pedestrian Collisions Using FE-Model
Performance Analysis of a Bumper-Pedestrian Contact Sensor System by Using FE Models
Head Injuries in Child Pedestrian Accidents-In-depth Case Analysis and Reconstructions
Reconstruction of head-to-hood impact in an automobile-to-child-pedestrian collision
Investigation of brain injuries by reconstructions of real world adult pedestrian accidents
Review of Injury Biomechanics in Car-Pedestrian Collisions
Reconstruction of Head-to-Bonnet Top Impact in Child Pedestrian-to-Passenger Car Crash
Pedestrian Head Protection from Car Impacts
Development of Child Pedestrian Models and Evaluation with Accident Reconstruction
Injury Biomechanics and Protective Systems in Car-to-Pedestrian Collisions
An Approach to Improve Vehicle-Front Design for Pedestrian Protection Using Mathematical Models
Pedestrian Injury Protection from Vehicle Traffic Accidents
A Human- 3D Mathematical Model for Simulation of Car-Pedestrian Impacts
Review of Pedestrian Protection from Vehicle Impacts
Modeling of adaptive passenger airbag systems in car frontal crashes
Mathematical Simulation of Knee Responses Associated with Leg Fracture in Car-Pedestrian Accidents
Finite element model of human lower extremity skeleton system in a lateral impact
Computer Simulation of Impact Response of the Human Knee Joint in Car-pedestrian Accidents
Computer Simulation of Shearing and Bending Response of the Knee Joint to a Lateral Impact
Development and Validation of a Mathematical Breakable Leg Model
Computer Simulation of Impact Response of the Human Knee Joint in Car-pedestrian Accidents
Computer Simulation of Impact Response of the Human Knee Joint in Car-pedestrian Accidents
Safer Bus Fronts for Pedestrian Impact Protection in Bus-pedestrian Accidents
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