Joachim Fritzsche

Visar 52 publikationer
Fluorescence Microscopy of Nanochannel-Confined DNA
Competing oxidation mechanisms in Cu nanoparticles and their plasmonic signatures
Nanofluidic Trapping of Faceted Colloidal Nanocrystals for Parallel Single-Particle Catalysis
Inverse designed plasmonic metasurface with parts per billion optical hydrogen detection
Nanoplasmonic NO<inf>2</inf>Sensor with a Sub-10 Parts per Billion Limit of Detection in Urban Air
Grain-growth mediated hydrogen sorption kinetics and compensation effect in single Pd nanoparticles
Nanoplasmonic−nanofluidic single-molecule biosensors for ultrasmall sample volumes
Light-Off in Plasmon-Mediated Photocatalysis
Operando detection of single nanoparticle activity dynamics inside a model pore catalyst material
A nanofluidic device for parallel single nanoparticle catalysis in solution
Hairpins in the conformations of a confined polymer
Fluorescence microscopy of nanochannel-confined DNA
Topographically Flat Nanoplasmonic Sensor Chips for Biosensing and Materials Science
A nano flow cytometer for single lipid vesicle analysis
Flux penetration in a superconducting film partially capped with a conducting layer
Single Particle Nanoplasmonic Sensing in Individual Nanofluidic Channels
New technologies for DNA analysis - a review of the READNA Project
Rapid Tracing of Resistance Plasmids in a Nosocomial Outbreak Using Optical DNA Mapping
Visualizing the Nonhomogeneous Structure of RAD51 Filaments Using Nanofluidic Channels
Single Particle Nanoplasmonic Sensing in Individual Nanofluidic Channels
Nanoconfined Circular and Linear DNA: Equilibrium Conformations and Unfolding Kinetics
Extension of nanoconfined DNA: quantitative comparison between experiment and theory
Fast size-determination of intact bacterial plasmids using nanofluidic channels
Unfolding of nanoconfined circular DNA
Using nanofluidic channels to probe dynamics of RAD51-Filaments
Visualizing the entire DNA from a chromosome in a single frame
Probing Physical Properties of a DNA- Protein Complex Using Nanofluidic Channels
Using Nanofluidic Channels to Probe the Dynamics of Rad51-DNA Filaments
Controllable morphology of flux avalanches in microstructured superconductors
Classical analogy for the deflection of flux avalanches by a metallic layer
Enhanced pinning in superconducting thin films with graded pinning landscapes
Probing the Physical Properties of a DNA-Protein Complex Using Nanofluidic Channels
Vortex ratchet induced by controlled edge roughness
What do photons do to fluorescently stained DNA in confinement?
Probing physical properties of DNA-protein complexes using nanofluidic channels
Lipid-Based Passivation in Nanofluidics
A lipid-based passivation scheme for nanofluidics
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