Patrik Jansson
Datavetare (med bakgrund inom fysik och matematik), Haskell-programmerare, forskningsidékatalysator, gillar att koppla helhetsbilden till formella detaljer, förkämpe för programvaru- och språk-teknologi.

Visar 66 publikationer
Domain-Specific Tensor Languages
Fluid and kinetic studies of tokamak disruptions using Bayesian optimization
Bayesian optimization of massive material injection for disruption mitigation in tokamaks
Bayesian optimization of disruption scenarios with fluid-kinetic models
Responsibility Under Uncertainty: Which Climate Decisions Matter Most?
Level-p-complexity of Boolean functions using thinning, memoization, and polynomials
Domain-Specific Languages of Mathematics
Extensional equality preservation and verified generic programming
Examples and Results from a BSc-level course on domain specific languages of mathematics
Saint: an API-generic type-safe interpreter
The impact of uncertainty on optimal emission policies
Type theory as a framework for modelling and programming
Sequential decision problems, dependent types and generic solutions
Contributions to a computational theory of policy advice and avoidability
VisPar: Visualising dataflow graphs from the Par monad
An Agda formalisation of the transitive closure of block matrices (Extended Abstract)
Certified Context-Free Parsing: A formalisation of Valiant's Algorithm in Agda
GSS: Towards a Research Program for Global Systems Science
Dependently-typed programming in scientific computing: Examples from economic modelling
Global Systems Science orientation paper - background material
Testing versus proving in climate impact research
A Sustainable Energy Future through Education and Research
Proofs for Free - Parametricity for dependent types
Feat: Functional Enumeration of Algebraic Types
What is the next programming paradigm?
Interfacing dynamically typed languages and the why tool: Reasoning about lists and tuples
Parametricity and dependent types
Generic programming with C++ concepts and Haskell type classes—a comparison
Testing Polymorphic Properties
An abstraction theorem for pure type systems
Parametricity and Dependent Types
Algebra of programming in Agda: dependent types for relational program derivation
Pedagogical development of Master's Programmes for the Bologna Structure at Chalmers - IMPACT
Utvärdering av Chalmers nya Mastersprogram - Studentsynpunkter
WGP'09 Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Generic Programming
Comparing Libraries for Generic Programming in Haskell
Algebra of Programming using Dependent Types
IMPACT - Establishing the Bologna Structure with Master's Programmes at Chalmers
Comparing Libraries For Generic Programming In Haskell
A comparison of C++ concepts and Haskell type classes
Testing Properties of Generic Functions
Fast and Loose Reasoning is Morally Correct
Chasing Bottoms: A Case Study in Program Verification in the Presence of Partial and Infinite Values
Polytypic Programming in Haskell
Prototyping Generic Programming in Template Haskell
Universes for Generic Programs and Proofs in Dependent Type Theory
Polytypic Data Conversion Programs
A Framework for Polytypic Programming on Terms, with an Application to Rewriting
Polytypic Compact Printing and Parsing
Generic Programming: An Introduction
Functional Pearl: Polytypic Unification
PolyLib - a polytypic function library
PolyP - a polytypic programming language extension
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Visar 5 forskningsprojekt
OptiFun: Fusionsoptimering med funktionell programmering
Centre of excellence for Global Systems Science (CoeGSS)
Matematikens domänspecifika språk (DSLsofMath)
Starkt typade bibliotek för program och bevis