Ross King
Ross King är professor på avdelningen Systembiologi. Se den engelska sidan för mer information.
Visar 25 publikationer
AutonoMS: Automated Ion Mobility Metabolomic Fingerprinting
Extrapolation is not the same as interpolation
Interpreting protein abundance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae through relational learning
Imbalanced regression using regressor-classifier ensembles
Extrapolation is Not the Same as Interpolation
High-throughput metabolomics for the design and validation of a diauxic shift model
The automated AI-driven future of scientific discovery
Protein-ligand binding affinity prediction exploiting sequence constituent homology
Genesis-DB: a database for autonomous laboratory systems
RIMBO - An Ontology for Model Revision Databases
Testing the reproducibility and robustness of the cancer biology literature by robot
Cross-validation is safe to use
Transformational machine learning: Learning how to learn from many related scientific problems
A Genetic Trap in Yeast for Inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease
Federated Ensemble Regression Using Classification
Predicting rice phenotypes with meta and multi-target learning
An evaluation of machine-learning for predicting phenotype: studies in yeast, rice, and wheat
Self-supervised learning of object slippage: An LSTM model trained on low-cost tactile sensors
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt
Closed-loop inlärning av genome-scale metaboliska modeller med hjälp av "Robot Forskaren" Genesis