Rumen Kozhuharov
Visar 41 publikationer
A D-Band Frequency Sixtupler MMIC With Very Low DC Power Consumption
A High Power-Efficiency D-Band Frequency Tripler MMIC With Gain Up to 7 dB
A High-Speed Power Detector for D-Band Communication
14 Gbps on-off keying modulator and demodulator for D-band communication
A D-Band Keyable High Efficiency Frequency Quadrupler
An LC VCO for High Power Millimeter-Wave Signal Generation
Multifunction low noise millimeterwave MMICs for remote sensing
A W-and G-band MMIC source using InP HBT technology
Integrated front-ends up to 200 GHz
A varactor model including valanche noise source for VCOs phase noise simulation
Single-Chip 220-GHz Active Heterodyne Receiver and Transmitter MMICs With On-Chip Integrated Antenna
Flip-Chip-Based Multichip Module for Low Phase-Noise V -Band Frequency Generation
MMIC-Based Components for MM-Wave Instrumentation
A large-signal GaAs HBT model optimized for design of low phase-noise VCOs
Low-phase noise InGaP HBT VCO design
MMIC-based receivers for mm-wave radiometry
A Broadband 60-to-120 GHz single-chip MMIC multiplier chain
On the status of Low Noise Millimeterwave MMIC Receivers
Single-Chip Frequency Multiplier Chains for Millimeter-Wave Signal Generation
24 GHz InGaP-GaAs HBT push-push VCO with broadband tuning range
Low phase noise MMIC oscillators in InGaP HBT technology
A Single-Chip 53 GHz Radiometer Front-End MMIC for Geostationary Atmospheric Measurements
Newly developed chip sets for 60 GHz radio communication systems
60 GHz Single-Chip Front-End MMICs and Systems for Multi-Gbps Wireless Communication
Single-Chip 24-GHz Synthesizer for a Radar Application
High Purity 60 GHz-Band Single Chip
Single-Chip 60 GHz Transmitter and Receiver MMICs in a GaAs mHEMT Technology
Multifunctional MMIC design and antenna integration
Balanced Colpitt Oscillator MMICs Designed for Ultra-Low Phase Noise
Highly Integrated 60 GHz Transmitter and Receiver MMICs in a GaAs pHEMT Technology
Development of 60-GHz front-end circuits for a high-data-rate communication system
A high purity 60 GHz single chip X8 multiplier with low phase noise
V-band Single Chip Mutipliers.
Development of 60-GHz Front -End Circuits for a High-Data-Rate Communication System.
A 55 GHz HEMT Monolithic Voltage Controlled Sources
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