Sonia Yeh
Sonia Yeh är professor i Transport och Energisystem vid avdelningen för fysisk resursteori på institutionen för rymd-, geo- och miljövetenskap. Vice styrkeområdesledare för Chalmers styrkeområde Energi. Mer information om Sonia finns på vår engelska webbplats.

Visar 53 publikationer
Socio-spatial segregation and human mobility: A review of empirical evidence
Transforming public transport depots into profitable energy hubs
The Uneven Impact of Mobility on the Segregation of Native and Foreign-born Individuals
Special Session: Digital Technologies for Sustainability - Research Challenges and Opportunities
A Review of Big Data in Road Freight Transport Modeling: Gaps and Potentials
Battery electric long-haul trucks in Europe: Public charging, energy, and power requirements
A synthetic population of Sweden: datasets of agents, households, and activity-travel patterns
Fifty years of Energy Policy: A bibliometric overview
Impacts of charging behavior on BEV charging infrastructure needs and energy use
A Mobility Model for Synthetic Travel Demand from Sparse Traces
Synthetic Sweden Mobility (SySMo) Model Documentation
Feasibility of estimating travel demand using geolocations of social media data
Benefits of an Electric Road System for Battery Electric Vehicles
Complexities in the energy-transport co-transformation
If Electric Cars Are Good for Reducing Emissions, They Could Be Even Better with Electric Roads
Benefits of Electric Road System with charging from below technology to battery electric vehicles
Recent developments at energy policy
Tradable performance standards in the transportation sector
The International Transport Energy Modeling (iTEM) Open Data & Harmonized Transport Database
Disparities in travel times between car and transit: Spatiotemporal patterns in cities
Ett ensidigt fokus på elexport är allt för snävt.
The continuing evolution of Energy Policy
Leveraging Open-Source Tools for Collaborative Macro-energy System Modeling Efforts
A holistic analysis of passenger travel energy and greenhouse gas intensities
Measuring Traffic in Cities Through a Large-Scale Online Platform
Recent Developments at Energy Policy
Low-carbon energy generates public health savings in California
Global carbon intensity of crude oil production
Predictability in Human Mobility based on Geographical-boundary-free and Long-time Social Media Data
Formalizing best practice for energy system optimization modelling
Energy Intensity and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Oil Production in the Eagle Ford Shale
Detailed assessment of global transport-energy models' structures and projections
A review of low carbon fuel policies: Principles, program status and future directions
Energy Intensity and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Tight Oil Production in the Bakken Formation
Forest biomass, carbon neutrality and climate change mitigation. From Science to Policy 3
North American Natural Gas and Energy Markets in Transition: Insights from Global Models
Forest biomass, carbon neutrality and climate change mitigation
Recent Trends in Water Use and Production for California Oil Production
A modeling comparison of deep greenhouse gas emissions reduction scenarios by 2030 in California
Evaluation of water use for bioenergy at different scales
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Visar 12 forskningsprojekt
Spelet om ägande: att utforska inverkan av laddstationers ägandeform på potentialen för V2G
The Economic Impacts of Innovations: Transport Case Studies in Technology and Policies
Utilization - the Car Movement Database