Philippe Tassin
Philippe Tassin teaches physics and optics and leads a research group on electromagnetic structured media and computational electrodynamics.
He was born in Belgium and lived in several countries at both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. At the age of 17, he won a bronze medal at the International Chemistry Olympiad. Graduating in electrical engineering and applied physics, he obtained a M.Sc. degree and a Ph.D. degree from the Free University of Brussels, both summa cum laude. After his doctoral studies, he had postdoctoral appointments at Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory (a national lab of the U.S. Department of Energy). Dr. Tassin is now professor of physics at Chalmers University, where he teaches physics, optics, quantum mechanics, and computer science courses. His teaching was recognized with the Golden Chalk by the students and with Chalmers' Pedagogical Prize.
Philippe Tassin's research interests encompass the physics of electromagnetic structured materials and systems, including metamaterials, plasmonics, and nanophotonics. His research has led to well-cited publications in scientific journals, including papers in Science, Nature Photonics, and Physical Review Letters, and he is frequently asked to deliver invited talks at international conferences. His research has been recognized by awards and fellowships from KAW, Vetenskapsrådet, IEEE, SPIE, and the Flemish Research Foundation. He received the BAEF Alumni Award from the Belgian-American Educational Foundation and the Frans Van Cauwelaert Award, one of the major awards of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts.
Dr. Tassin is an editor of the journal "Photonics and Nanostructures," a leading journal in the nanophotonics field, and he is a frequent reviewer for most journals in his field. He is a member of the Young Academy of Sweden and a senior member of SPIE and IEEE. He is a founding member and vice-chairman of the IEEE Photonics Sweden Chapter. He is also active in the promotion of science and technology to the public and to students.
Visar 93 publikationer
Quasibound states in the continuum in photonic crystal based optomechanical microcavities
Inverse Design of Metamaterials and Photonic Crystals Using Machine Learning
Adaptive meshing strategies for nanophotonics using a posteriori error estimation
Monolithic cavity for optomechanics featuring a bound state in the continuum
Bound-State-in-the-Continuum Resonances in Monolithic Cavities on a Substrate
Optically Pumped UVC Photonic Crystal Surface-Emitting Laser
UVC photonic crystal surface-emitting lasers with low-divergent far-fields
Adaptive mesh refinement strategies for nanophotonics using a posteriori error estimation
Deep Neural Networks for the Topological Optimization of Metasurfaces
Machine Learning Approach to the Topological Optimization of Metasurfaces
Inverse Design of Free-Form Metasurfaces with Deep Neural Networks
Metasurfaces for Divergent Beams and Large-Area Metasurfaces
Cavity optomechanics with photonic bound states in the continuum
Deep Neural Networks for the Prediction of the Optical Properties and the Design of Metamaterials
Integrated free-space optomechanics with AlGaAs heterostructures
Multifunctional Teaching Studios for Virtual Classrooms during the Pandemic and Beyuond
Nanophotonic Structures for Cavity Optomechanics
Large-Scale Metasurfaces Made by an Exposed Resist
Computational modelling of metasurfaces for strongly divergent beams
A Gaussian reflective metasurface for advanced wavefront manipulation
Microstrip Waveguide Loaded with Metamaterial Structure for Sensitive Resonant Detection
Electromagnetic clocks at the rim of metamaterial black holes
Roadmap on transformation optics
Current-controlled light scattering and asymmetric plasmon propagation in graphene
Do Optomechanical Metasurfaces Run Out of Time?
Transformation optics for surface phenomena: Engineering the Goos-Hänchen effect
Adaptive finite element method in nanophotonic simulations
Optical Force Enhancement Using an Imaginary Vector Potential for Photons
Mitigating optical singularities in coordinate-based metamaterial waveguides
Extending transformation optics beyond 3D geometries
Designing an efficient rectifying cut-wire metasurface for electromagnetic energy harvesting
High-sensitivity plasmonic refractive index sensing using graphene
Transformation Optics Approach for Goos-Hanchen Shift Enhancement at Metamaterial Interfaces
Computational design of nanophotonic structures using an adaptive finite element method
Nonmagnetic metamaterial landscapes for guided electromagnetic waves
Adaptive optimization algorithm for the computational design of nanophotonic structures
Transforming guided waves with metamaterial waveguide cores
Broadband metasurfaces enabling arbitrarily large delay-bandwidth products
Optical signatures of nonlocal plasmons in graphene
Transforming two-dimensional guided light using nonmagnetic metamaterial waveguides
Broadband, Spectrally Flat, Graphene-based Terahertz Modulators
Field enhancement with classical electromagnetically induced transparency
What is a good conductor for metamaterials or plasmonics
Numerical investigation of the flat band Bloch modes in a 2D photonic crystal with Dirac cones
Tunable terahertz frequency comb generation using time-dependent graphene sheets
Emission of electromagnetic radiation in transformation-optical metamaterials
Transformation optics beyond the manipulation of light trajectories
Transforming Cherenkov radiation in metamaterials
Controlling Cherenkov Radiation with Transformation-Optical Metamaterials
Dielectric meta-atoms coupled by nonresonant metallic antennas: High-quality metamaterial resonances
Strong group-velocity dispersion compensation with phase-engineered sheet metamaterials
Plasmonic metamaterials controlling the momentum of light
Metamaterials enhancing optical forces
One- and two-dimensional photo-imprinted diffraction gratings for manipulating terahertz waves
Dissipative loss in resonant metamaterials
Graphene for terahertz applications
Enhancing optical gradient forces with metamaterials
Classical analog of electromagnetically induced transparency
Interaction between graphene and metamaterials: Split rings vs. wire pairs
A comparison of graphene, superconductors and metals as conductors for metamaterials and plasmonics
Switching nonlinearity in a superconductor-enhanced metamaterial
Creating electromagnetic cavities using transformation optics
Large group delay in a microwave metamaterial analog of electromagnetically induced transparency
Optical forces in nanowire pairs and metamaterials
Frequency converter implementing an optical analogue of the cosmological redshift
Confining light in deep subwavelength electromagnetic cavities
Planar designs for electromagnetically induced transparency in metamaterials
Low-loss metamaterials based on classical electromagnetically induced transparency
Pattern formation without diffraction matching in optical parametric oscillators with a metamaterial
Beyond the zero-diffraction regime in optical cavities with a left-handed material
Miniaturization of photonic waveguides by the use of left-handed materials
Dissipative structures in left-handed material cavity optics
Impact of nonlocal interactions in dissipative systems: Towards minimal-sized localized structures
Veselago's lens consisting of left-handed materials with arbitrary index of refraction
Negative diffraction pattern dynamics in nonlinear cavities with left-handed materials
Three-dimensional structures in nonlinear cavities containing left-handed materials
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