Johan Tivander
Visar 51 publikationer
Life Cycle Assessment of Electricity Generation from an Array of Subsea Tidal Kite Prototypes
CPM LCA Database – Life Cycle Inventory Datasets
ORAMA Project - D6-6 Technical Final Report and Recommendations
Life cycle assessment of city buses powered by electricity, hydrogenated vegetable oil or diesel
Life cycle inventory of power producing technologies and power grids at regional grid level in India
Power Take-Off System for a Subsea Tidal Kite - LCA report
Återvinning av metaller ur uttjänta Li-ion batterier - Slutrapport
Environmental concerns of metals in Li-ion batteries - Implications for recycling
A Minimal Ontology Pattern for Life Cycle Assessment Data
Well-To-Wheel LCI data for fossil and renewable fuels on the Swedish market
Emissions of additives from plastics in the societal material stock – a case study for Sweden
Calculating the Swedish economy‐wide emissions of additives from plastic materials
Conceptualizing emissions of chemicals from products - foundations of a modelling approach
National inventory of emissions of additives from plastic materials
System boundaries and delimitations for dimensioning study
Modelling chemical emissions from products - a Swedish case study of polymers and related chemicals
An Integrated Implementation of Design for Environment and Life Cycle Assessment Applications
General method for integration of industrial environmental information systems
Implementation of integrated environmental information systems
Strategic data acquisition addressed to support implementation of Design for Environment
Transparent handling of emission trading data according to EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS)
Integration of experience and new information
Implementation of Integrated Environmental Information Systems and VIEWS
A General Method for Integration of Industrial Environmental Information Systems
Establishing common product life cycle data
Implementation of integrated environmental information systems for sustainable development
SPIDER : a technology enabling secure inter-organisational sharing of environmental data
Concept Model for the OMNIITOX Information System Including OMNIITOX Data Format Definition
Extension of Databases in Networking
OMNIITOX Concept Model Supports Characterisation Modelling for Life Cycle Impact Assessment
OMNIITOX Information System Material
OMNIITOX Information System Implementation Report
OMNIITOX concept model supports characterisation modelling for life cycle impact assessment
Data format mapping between SPINE and ISO/TS 14048
Data availability for the OMNIITOX Simple/simplified Base Model
Data definition and file syntax for ISO/TS 14048 data exchange
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Visar 5 forskningsprojekt
VindKör - Verktyg för strategisk planering genom bedömning av vindkraftens kumulativa miljöeffekter
LCA av kollektivtrafik med elektriskt framdrivna bussar, steg 2
Power Take-Off System for a Subsea Tidal Kite (PowerKite)
Återvinning av metaller ur uttjänta Li-jon batterier
Konvertering av livscykeldata till internationell standard