Yngve Albinsson
Visar 29 publikationer
Complexation of thorium with phosphate
Redox control in solvent extraction studies using a PEEK AKUFVE unit
Sorption of trivalent plutonium onto UO2 and the effect of the solid phase on the Pu oxidation state
Measurement and Modelling of Pm Sorption onto TiO2 and goethite
Characterization of alpha-Isosaccarinic acid: Lactone and carboxylic conformations
Microbial leaching of uranium and other trace elements from shale mine tailings at Ranstad
Studies on the Hydrolytic Behavior of Zirconium
Sorption of Pu(III-IV) onto TiO2: A Preliminary Study
Characterization of α-Isosaccharinic Acid: pKa-determination
Apparatus for on-line measurements of iodine species concentration in aqueous and gaseous phases
Diffusion of HTO and cement pore fluids through host rock
Surface Charge Densities of Two Actinide(IV) Oxides: UO2 and ThO2
A Method for Preparation and Purification of 234-Th"
Studies of Sorption of Th and Np onto UO2 and TiO2
Interactions of cement pore fluids with host rock and the effects on HTO, Na and Cs diffusion
Effects of gluco-isosaccharinate on Cs, Ni, Pm and Th sorption onto, and diffusion into cement
Diffusion of radionuclides in concrete and concrete/bentonite systems
Diffusion of Radionuclides in concrete/bentonite systems
Diffusion of radionuclides in concrete/bentonite systems
Diffusion of Radionuclides in Sediments - In Situ Studies
Possible Effects of Bacteria on Trace Element Migration in Crystalline Bed-Rock
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