Di Jiang
Showing 28 publications
A flexible and stackable 3D interconnect system using growth-engineered carbon nanotube scaffolds
Test structures for studying flexible interconnect supported by carbon nanotube scaffolds
Embedded Fin-Like Metal/CNT Hybrid Structures for Flexible and Transparent Conductors
Flexible Multi-functionalized Carbon Nanotubes Based Hybrid Nanowires
Flexible Multifunctionalized Carbon Nanotubes-Based Hybrid Nanowires
Vertically stacked carbon nanotube-based interconnects for through silicon via application
Tape-Assisted Transfer of Carbon Nanotube Bundles for Through-Silicon-Via Applications
Chemically enhanced carbon nanotubes based Thermal Interface Materials
Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu Nanocomposite Solder Reinforced With Bi2Te3 Nanoparticles
Carbon Nanotube Based Interconnect Material for Electronic Applications
Carbon nanotube/solder hybrid structure for interconnect applications
A solder joint structure with vertically aligned carbon nanofibres as reinforcements
Reliability of carbon nanotube bumps for chip on glass application
Effect of substrates and underlayer on CNT synthesis by plasma enhanced CVD
Controlling the Density of CNTs by Different UnderlayerMaterials in PECVD Growth
Experimental study of Electrical properties and stability of CNT bumps in high density interconnects
Reliability of Carbon Nanotube Bumps for Chip on Film Application
Carbon Nanotubes for Electronics Manufacturing and Packaging: From Growth to Integration
Room Temperature Transfer of Carbon Nanotubes on Flexible Substrate
Carbon Nanotubes in Electronics Interconnect Applications with a Focus on 3D-TSV Technology
Formation of three-dimensional carbon nanotube structures by controllable vapor densification
Through-Silicon Vias Filled With Densified and Transferred Carbon Nanotube Forests
Electrical Interconnects Made of Carbon Nanotubes: Applications in 3D Chip Stacking
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Showing 1 research projects
Development of Graphene-based nuclear fuel cladding for improved safety.