Erik Börjeson
Showing 31 publications
FPGA-Based Wordlength Optimization for DSP
Activity-Based Input Operand Assignment for Reduced Multiplier Power Dissipation
Low-Power Complex Multiplier Pin Assignment based on Spatial and Temporal Signal Properties
Implementation Evaluation of Fixed-Point Multipliers for Complex Numbers
Real-Time Monitoring of Cable Break in a Live Network using a Coherent Transceiver Prototype
Implementation and Evaluation of Signal Processing Circuits for Optical Communication
Circuit Implementation of Pilot-Based Dynamic MIMO Equalization for Coupled-Core Fibers
Real-Time Implementation of Machine-Learning DSP
Field Trial of FPGA-Based Real-Time Sensing Transceiver over 524km of Live Aerial Fiber
Fiber-on-Chip: Digital Emulation of Channel Impairments for Real-Time DSP Evaluation
FPGA Implementation of Multi-Layer Machine Learning Equalizer with On-Chip Training
Waveform Memory for Real-Time FPGA Test of Fiber-Optic Receiver DSPs
Transoceanic Phase and Polarization Fiber Sensing Using Real-Time Coherent Transceiver
Continuous Fiber Sensing over Field-Deployed Metro Link using Real-Time Coherent Transceiver and DAS
FPGA-based Optical Kerr Effect Emulator
Real-Time Transmission over 2x55 km All 7-Core Coupled-Core Multi-Core Fiber Link
Fiber-on-Chip: Digital FPGA Emulation of Channel Impairments for Real-Time Evaluation of DSP
Real-Time MIMO Transmission over Field-Deployed Coupled-Core Multi-Core Fibers
Energy-Efficient Implementation of Carrier Phase Recovery for Higher-Order Modulation Formats
Digital Emulation of Time-Varying PMD for Real-Time DSP Evaluations
Multi-Format Carrier Phase Recovery Using a Programmable Circuit
Benchmarking of Carrier Phase Recovery Circuits for M-QAM Coherent Systems
ASIC Design Exploration for DSP and FEC of 400-Gbit/s Coherent Data-Center Interconnect Receivers
Power-Efficient ASIC Implementation of DSP Algorithms for Coherent Optical Communication
Cycle-Slip Rate Analysis of Blind Phase Search DSP Circuit Implementations
Implementation of Carrier Phase Recovery Circuits for Optical Communication
VLSI Implementations of Carrier Phase Recovery Algorithms for M-QAM Fiber-Optic Systems
ASIC Design Exploration of Phase Recovery Algorithms for M-QAM Fiber-Optic Systems
Towards FPGA Emulation of Fiber-Optic Channels for Deep-BER Evaluation of DSP Implementations
Power Consumption Savings Through Joint Carrier Recovery for Spectral and Spatial Superchannels
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