Hans Theliander

Showing 218 publications
Heterogenous Diffusion and Reaction Model of Kraft Delignification at the Cell Wall Level
Dissolution of wood components during hot water extraction of spruce
Electro-assisted filtration of microfibrillated cellulose: the impact of the degree of fibrillation
On the hydrothermal depolymerisation of kraft lignin using glycerol as a capping agent
Using guaiacol as a capping agent in the hydrothermal depolymerisation of kraft lignin
Effect of plasma treatment on electrochemical performance of lignin-based carbon fibers
Physical properties of kraft pulp oxidized by hydrogen peroxide under mildly acidic conditions
Swift Kraft lignin depolymerisation under hydrothermal conditions
Structure of Filter Cakes during the Electroassisted Filtration of Microfibrillated Cellulose
Hardwood kraft pulp fibre oxidation using acidic hydrogen peroxide
Wettability of cellulose surfaces under the influence of an external electric field
Towards understanding kraft lignin depolymerisation under hydrothermal conditions
Dewatering microcrystalline cellulose: The influence of ionic strength
Micro/nano-structural evolution in spruce wood during soda pulping
Dissolution of wood components during hot water extraction of birch
Modification of softwood kraft pulp fibres using hydrogen peroxide at acidic conditions
Identifying breach mechanism during air-gap spinning of lignin–cellulose ionic-liquid solutions
Pretreatment and Cooking of Forest Residues
Mass transport during coagulation of cellulose-ionic liquid solutions in different non-solvents
Mass transport and yield during spinning of lignin-cellulose carbon fiber precursors
Electroosmotic dewatering of cellulose nanocrystals
Dry-jet wet-spun lignin-based carbon fibre precursors: Phenomena and properties
Improved yield of carbon fibres from cellulose and kraft lignin
Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Kraft Lignin in Subcritical Water: Influence of Phenol as Capping Agent
Local properties of filter cakes formed from pH-adjusted bauxite residue slurries
Local filtration properties of microcrystalline cellulose: Influence of an electric field
Characterization of a dusting lime kiln – A mill study
The Development of a Wood-based Materials-biorefinery
About structural changes of lignin during kraft cooking and the kinetics of delignification
Filtration properties of kraft lignin: The influence of xylan and precipitation conditions
Local filtration properties of Kraft lignin: The influence of residual xylan
The Influence of Ionic Strength on the Electroassisted Filtration of Microcrystalline Cellulose
Hydrothermal pretreatment of wood by mild steam explosion and hot water extraction
Accelerated aging of bio-oil from lignin conversion in subcritical water
Development of an efficient route for combined recycling of PET and cotton from mixed fabrics
Characterization of a dusting lime kiln - A mill study
Parameters Affecting the Cross-Flow Filtration of Dissolved LignoBoost Kraft Lignin
Effect of pH on Kraft Lignin Depolymerisation in Subcritical Water
Estimation of the deprotonation degree of phenolic groups on kraft lignin
Extraction of hemicelluloses from fiberized spruce wood
The influence of ionic strength on the local filtration properties of titanium dioxide
Towards a wood based material biorefinery - A demonstrator
The molecular properties and carbohydrate content of lignins precipitated from black liquor
Editorial: Cellulose dissolution and regeneration: systems and interactions
Local filtration properties of microcrystalline cellulose
Local and average filtration properties of kraft softwood lignin
Structural changes in spruce wood during different steps of steam explosion pretreatment
Local filtration properties of kraft lignin: influence of ligning-carbohydrate complex
Kraft Lignin Depolymerization in Near-Critical Water: Effect of Changing Co-Solvent
Investigation and Characterization of Lignin Precipitation in the LignoBoost Process
Ice templated and cross-linked xylan/nanocrystalline cellulose hydrogels
Combustion properties of reduced-lignin black liquors
Analyses of wood components in mild steam explosion liquors from spruce
Effects of surface structure on the filtration properties of microcrystalline cellulose
The effect of temperature on the catalytic conversion of Kraft lignin using near-critical water
Lignin Structure and Aggregation Behavior in a Two-Component Ionic Liquid Solvent System
Preparation of Absorbent Foam Based on Softwood Kraft Pulp: Advancing from Gram to Kilogram Scale
Investigation of skin formation during filtration of micro crystalline cellulose
Mild steam explosion followed by kraft cooking and oxygen delignification of spruce (Picea abies)
Local solidosity of microcrystalline cellulose during dead-end filtration and sedimentation
Study of the dissolution behavior of wood components in ionic liquid based solutions
Fractionation of Technical Lignin: Molecular Mass and pH Effects
Nanoreinforced xylan-cellulose composite foams by freeze-casting
Reinforced absorbent material: a cellulosic composite of TEMPO-oxidized MFC and CTMP fibres
Filtration properties and skin formation of micro-crystalline cellulose
On the local filtration properties of microcrystalline cellulose during dead-end filtration
Absorbent materials based on kraft pulp: Preparation and material characterization
Ice templated xylan-nanocrystalline cellulose aero/hydrogels
Mild Steam Explosion and Chemical Pre-Treatment of Norway Spruce
Pyrolysis oils from CO2 precipitated Kraft lignin
Equilibrium of lignin precipitation
Filtration of Lignin from a Lignocellulose-Based Ethanol Pilot Plant
Characterization of spruce wood chips after mild steam explosion
Extraction of hemicelluloses after chemical pretreatment combined with mild steam explosion
Local filtration properties for hard-to-filter compressible materials
Xylan sorption kinetics at industrial conditions Part 2. Modeling
Characterization of CO2 precipitated Kraft lignin to promote its utilization
The effect of ionic strength on the kinetics of the kraft pulping of softwood
The lignoboost process: Solubility of lignin
Xylan sorption kinetics at industrial conditions Part 1. Experimental results
Correlations for the viscosity of lignin lean black liquor
Filtration of lignin from lignocellulose based ethanol production
Application of the pitzer method in estimating the properties of black liquor solutions - A summary
Filtration of lignin from a lignocellulose based ethanol pilot plant
Can the delignification rate be affected by previously applied cooking conditions?
Using the Pitzer method to estimate the boiling point rise in black liquor solutions
Fractionation of processed spruce wood obtained in the production of ethanol
The influence of hemicelluloses during the precipitation of lignin in kraft black liquor
The recovery of cooking chemicals: The white liquor preparation plant
Recovery of cooking chemicals: The treatment and burning of black liquor
Optimal Industrial Birch Black Liquor for Xylan Sorption
Towards a general kraft delignification model
Impact of dissolved sodium salts on kraft cooking reactions
Pitzer method for estimating the boiling point rise in black liquor solutions
Evaluating two test methods used for characterizing leaching properties
Withdrawing lignin from black liquor by precipitation, filtration and washing
Xylan sorption kinetics for industrial applications
Boiling Point Rise Calculations in Sodium Salt Solutions
Influence of hemicelluloses during precipitation of lignin from kraft black liquor
Ways to increase the knowledge of mechanisms during alkaline cooking
The compression of pulp before and during brown stock washing - Its influence on fibre properties
Various dissolved sodium salts in kraft cooking liquors - Influence on cooking kinetics
A New Experimental Technique for Determining Local Dispersion Coefficient in Displacement Washing
Treatment process for MSW combustion fly ash, laboratory and pilot plant experiments
Effect of precipitation conditions on properties of lignin from the LignBoost process
Lignin precipitation from kraft black liquors: kinetics and carbon dioxide absorption
Validation of predicted local profiles in cake filtration
Evaluating Reaction Kinetic Models Using Well-Defined Kraft Delignification Data
Lignoboost: a novel process for extraction of lignin as biofuel from the kraft paper pulp process
Effect of precipitation conditions on properties of lignin from lignoboost process
Filtration properties of lignin precipitated from black liquor
Experimental Investigation of black liquor pyrolysis using single droplet TGA
Reaction kinetics of softwood kraft delignification –General considerations and experimental data
Properties of lignin depleted black liquor and sulphur content in lignin
Kinetic modelling of (galacto)glucomannan degradation during alkaline cooking of softwood
The lignoboost process - Comments on key-operations
Investigating the influence of bed structure on pulp washing using a novel measurement technique
Precipitation and filtration of lignin from black liquor of different origin
Model for solubility and solid-phase composition in high-temperature Na2CO3-Na2SO4 solutions
Investigating the influence of pulp types on washing using a new measurement technique
A novel method for washing lignin precipitated from kraft black liquor - Laboratory trials
Sustainable use of bio-fuel by recycling ash to the forests: Treatment of biofuel ash
Pressure and concentration profiles in filter cake consisting of core/shell latex particle
Towards a ”Smart Growth” Strategy for Sustainable Development
Kinetics of delignification under constant kraft cooking conditions
Washing lignin precipitated from kraft black liquor
Kinetics of formation and degradation of hexenuronic acid in
A Master´s Programme in Environmentally Sustainable Process Technology
Process Efficiency with Entropy -The Recovery Cycle in the Kraft Pulp Process
Second-law Analysis Applied to a Kraft Pulp Mill
Filtration properties of lignin precipitated from black liquor
Displacement washing of lime mud: tailing effects
Displacement washing of lime mud
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Showing 16 research projects
Coordination for resource smart industrial processes, phase 1
Development of resource-efficient chemical processes, part 2
Investigation of membrane fouling during cross-flow filtration of wood components
Forskningssamarbete rörande utveckling av högeffektiv indunstningsteknik
Development of resource-efficient chemical processes
Novel biorefinery concept for efficient use of wood residue materials
Lokala egenskaper vid kakfiltrering: Inverkan av ett elektiskt fält
Från lignin till biobränslen och specialkemikalier
AvanCell - Creating novel pulp fibre
LightFibre – Lignin-based carbon fibres from solution spun prefibres
Avancell - Vedbaserad Cellulosatextil