Jenny Stenberg

Showing 61 publications


Towards a systemic understanding of compact city qualities

Jaan-Henrik Kain, Marco Adelfio, Jenny Stenberg et al
Journal of Urban Design. Vol. 27 (1), p. 130-147
Journal article

Residents' collective strategies of resistance in Global South cities' informal settlements: Space, scale and knowledge

María José Zapata Campos, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael Oloko et al
Cities. Vol. 125
Journal article

Urban qualities and residents’ strategies in compact global south cities: the case of Havana

María José Zapata Campos, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael Oloko et al
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. Vol. 37 (1), p. 529-551
Journal article

Making school children’s participation in planning processes a routine practice

Jenny Stenberg, Lasse Fryk
Societies. Vol. 11 (1)
Journal article

Synergies and trade-offs of Barcelona compact city qualities

Jaan-Henrik Kain, Marco Adelfio, Jenny Stenberg et al

Linking research, education and citizen codesign: compact cities as social intensification

Jenny Stenberg, Liane Thuvander, Jaan-Henrik Kain et al
SN Social Science. Vol. 1 (10)
Journal article

Social Activity in Gothenburg’s Intermediate City: Mapping Third Places through Social Media Data

Marco Adelfio, Leticia Serrano-Estrada, Pablo Martí-Ciriquián et al
Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy. Vol. 13 (4), p. 985-1017
Journal article

What Makes a Compact City? Differences Between Urban Research in the Global North and the Global South

Jaan-Henrik Kain, Jenny Stenberg, Marco Adelfio et al
Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration. Vol. 24 (4), p. 25-49
Journal article

Hyresgästsamråd vid renovering – fyra dilemman

Jenny Stenberg
Hållbar renovering ur ett helhetsperspektiv: En antologi från forskarmiljön SIRen, p. 79-88
Book chapter

”Örat mot marken” Kartbaserad metodik för boendeinflytande i stadsutveckling

Liane Thuvander, Jenny Stenberg, Alfredo Torrez et al
Hållbar renovering ur ett helhetsperspektiv. En antologi från forskningsmiljön SIRe, p. 71-78
Book chapter

GISualization: visualized integration of multiple types of data for knowledge co-production

Marco Adelfio, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Jenny Stenberg et al
Geografisk Tidsskrift. Vol. 119 (2), p. 163-184
Journal article

Dilemmas associated with tenant participation in renovation of housing in marginalized areas may lead to system change

Jenny Stenberg
Cogent Social Sciences. Vol. 4 (1), p. 1-22
Journal article

Collective Strategies of Resistance in Compact Global South Cities. Stories From the Residents of the Villa Rodrigo Bueno

Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael Oloko, Jenny Stenberg et al
Other conference contribution

Disentangling the compact city drivers and pressures: Barcelona as a case study

Marco Adelfio, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Liane Thuvander et al
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift. Vol. 72 (5), p. 287-304
Journal article

Från kärnverksamhetsfokus till glokalt samhällsbyggande

Lasse Fryk, Jenny Stenberg
Samhällsarbete: Aktörer, arenor och perspektiv, Studentlitteratur, p. 255-276
Book chapter

Citizen-driven strategies in global South cities’ informal settlements. Critical narratives from Buenos Aires, Havana and Kisumu

María José Zapata Campos, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael Oloko et al
Other conference contribution

Stenberg, Jenny, Maria Zwanenburg & Lasse Fryk (2017). Can top-down policy meet local diversity in urban transformation processes?

Jenny Stenberg, Maria Zwanenburg, Lasse Fryk
Global Dwelling: Intertwining Research, Community Participation and Pedagogy, p. 215-230
Book chapter

Assumed Qualities of Compact Cities: Divergences Between the Global North and the Global South in the Research Discourse

Jaan-Henrik Kain, Jenny Stenberg, Marco Adelfio et al
17th N-AERUS Conference: 2016 Gothenburg (Sweden). Gothenburg, 16-19 November, 2016.
Paper in proceeding

Invånare som medskapare i stadens utveckling

Jenny Stenberg
Gränsöverskridande stadsforskning: Erfarenheter från sex hållbarhetsprojekt. Olofsdotter, Björnberg and Kopp. Stockholm, Formas.
Book chapter

A Strong Research Environment for Sustainable Renovation Established in Sweden

Kristina Norling Mjörnell, Paula Femenias, Jenny Stenberg et al
SASBE 2015 (Smart and Sustainable Built Environments). Pretoria, South Africa.
Paper in proceeding

SIRen - En stark forskningsmiljö för hållbar integrerad renovering

Kristina Norling Mjörnell, Paula Femenias, Jenny Stenberg et al
Bygg & Teknik (2), p. 22-24
Magazine article

Medskapande renovering

Jenny Stenberg
Social hållbarhet med fokus på bostadsrenovering – en antologi. Lind & Mjörnell. Stockholm, KTH & Formas.
Book chapter

Local community responses

Jenny Stenberg, Lasse Fryk
Oikonet: A global Multidisciplinary Network on Housing Research and Learning II. Khadjri. Barcelona, Oikonet – Erasmus Life Long Learning Programme.
Book chapter

Learning Lab Hammarkullen: Codesigning Renovation

Jenny Stenberg, Lasse Fryk
OIKONET Second International Conference "Global Dwelling", Bratislava, 24-25 September 2015
Conference poster

Compact Cities? Exploring qualities, drivers and strategies for promoting mixed-use urban development

Jaan-Henrik Kain, Jenny Stenberg, Liane Thuvander
OIKONET Second International Conference "Global Dwelling", Bratislava, 24-25 September 2015
Conference poster

A Strong Research Environment for Sustainable Renovation Established in Sweden

Kristina Mjörnell, Paula Femenias, Jenny Stenberg et al
World SB14, Barcelona, Palau de Congressos de Catalunya, 28-30 October 2014.
Paper in proceeding

Interspace Thinking, Capacity-Building and Codesign

Jenny Stenberg, Lasse Fryk
Oikonet: A global Multidisciplinary Network on Housing Research and Learning
Book chapter

Three concepts on urban change

Jenny Stenberg, Lasse Fryk
Presented in the research network Oikonet (
Magazine article

Citizens as Knowledge Producers in Urban Change: Can Participation Change Procedures and Systems?

Jenny Stenberg
Footprint. Vol. 7 (2), p. 131-142
Journal article

Framtiden är redan här: Hur invånare kan bli medskapare i stadens utveckling

Jenny Stenberg, Hans Abrahamsson, Henric Benesch et al

Urban Empowerment: Cultures of Participation and Learning

Jenny Stenberg, Lasse Fryk, Eeva Bolin et al

The Strength of Codesign: Citizens as Community Builders

Jenny Stenberg
Design, Participation, Sustainability, ICT: Sustainable Public Open Spaces and Participation through Interaction and ICT. Editors: Tomas Ooms and Johan Verbeke, ASPIS International Conference, Nov 15-16, Ghent, Belgium., p. 78-93
Paper in proceeding

Urban Empowerment through Community Outreach in Teaching and Design

Jenny Stenberg, Lasse Fryk
Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences. Vol. 46, p. 3284-3289
Paper in proceeding

Partnerskap för trygghet: Stadsutveckling eller social exkludering?

Jenny Stenberg
I trygghetens namn. Ingrid Sahl(Red.). Göteborg, Daidalos
Book chapter

Tre bostadsområden: Olika typer av governance

Jenny Stenberg
I trygghetens namn. Ingrid Sahl(Red.). Göteborg, Daidalos
Book chapter

Linking Social and Environmental Aspects: A Multidimensional Evaluation of Refurbishment Projects

Jenny Stenberg, Liane Thuvander, Paula Femenias
Local Environment. Vol. 14 (6), p. 539-554
Journal article

‘Multi-facetted Evaluation for Sustainable Development: Managing the Intermix of Mind, Artefact, Institution and Nature’

Jenny Stenberg
New Principles Planning and Evaluation. Hull, Angela, Abdul Khakee, Donald Miller, John Woltjer (Eds.). Ashgate
Journal article

Vi arkitekter är medspelare

Jenny Stenberg
Göteborgs-Posten. Vol. September (11), p. 71-
Magazine article

Rusta med miljön i fokus!

Paula Femenias, Jenny Stenberg, Liane Thuvander
Invandrare & Minoriteter. Vol. 34 (4-5), p. 42-46
Magazine article

Planning in Interplace: On Transformation of Stigmatized and Ethnically Segregated Suburban Metropolitan Housing Areas

Jenny Stenberg
Life in the Urban Landscape, Gothenburg, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

Multi-dimensional Evaluation of National Funding Programmes: Managing the Intermix of Mind, Artefact, Institution and Nature

Jenny Stenberg
Evaluation in Planning, Sixth International Workshop in Stockholm, Sweden, December 9–11 2005
Other conference contribution

Potentials for Sustainable Development by Amalgamating Social and Environmental Aspects: Experiences from Refurbishment Projects in Sweden

Liane Thuvander, Jenny Stenberg, Paula Femenias
The 2005 World Sustainable Building Conference, Tokyo, Japan
Paper in proceeding

Arkitektur betyder. Om trygghet och trivsel i fyra stadsdelar

Solveig Schulz, Gunila Jivén, Inga Malmqvist et al

Livsformsanalys och lokalt utvecklingsarbet.

Gunnar Gillberg, Jenny Stenberg

Bridging what Gap? The Role of Local Professionals Working for Sustainable Development in Collaboration with the Inhabitants

Jenny Stenberg
MISTRA Sustainable Building: Experiences from a Cross-disciplinary Research Programme. Edén, Michael and Åsa Jönsson, (Eds.). Chalmers University of Technology.
Book chapter

Prerequisites for Local Democracy Processes: Conclusions from a Field Investigation in Göteborg

Jenny Stenberg
Swedish Planning Times of Diversity. Christoferson, Inger, (Ed.). Gävle, Föreningen för Samhällsplanering.
Book chapter

Bottom-up Processes and Sustainabilty: A Research Project about Participatory Democracy Processes and their Importance for Sustainable Development

Jenny Stenberg
Agenda 21 and the Built Environment: Research and Practice Refurbishment and Management, Svane, Örjan (Ed.). Stockholm, Department of Infrastucture and Planning, Built Environment Analysis, The Royal Institute of Technology.
Book chapter

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Showing 11 research projects


Together we build – a method for young self-builders to create homes and meeting places

Jenny Stenberg Architectural theory and methods
Region Västra Götaland


Metoder för deltagande design och kollaborativt byggande

Jenny Stenberg Architectural theory and methods
Adlerbertska Foundations

2 publications exist

Socialt bostadsbyggande av och med nyanlända, unga och äldre

Jenny Stenberg Architectural theory and methods

2 publications exist

Children as Co-Creators of the Urban Space

Jenny Stenberg Architectural theory and methods
Monica Billger Architectural theory and methods

1 publication exists

How do the residents of Hammarkullen perceive their environment? - Visual mapping with Maptionnaire of different values prior to renovation

Jenny Stenberg Architectural theory and methods
Liane Thuvander Architectural theory and methods
Adlerbertska Foundations

2 publications exist

Compact cities and informal settlements. Exploring qualities, drivers and strategies for promoting sustainable urban development

Jenny Stenberg Architectural theory and methods
Jaan-Henrik Kain Urban Design and Planning

1 publication exists

National Transdisciplinary Centre of Excellence for Integrated Sustainable Renovation (SIRen)

Paula Femenias Building Design
Jan-Olof Dalenbäck Building Services Engineering
Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Liane Thuvander Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Pär Johansson Building Technology
Jan Bröchner Service Management and Logistics
Jenny Stenberg Architectural theory and methods

28 publications exist

Learning Lab Hammarkullen: Codesigning Renovation

Jenny Stenberg Architectural theory and methods

3 publications exist

Compact Cities? Exploring qualities, drivers and strategies for promoting mixed-use urban development

Jaan-Henrik Kain Urban Design and Planning
Jenny Stenberg Architectural theory and methods
Liane Thuvander Architectural theory and methods
Marco Adelfio Urban Design and Planning

6 publications exist

Bridging the Gap: Children and Planners Co-Creating the Urban Space

Pontus Wallgren Design and Human Factors
MariAnne Karlsson Design and Human Factors
Jenny Stenberg Architectural theory and methods
Monica Billger Architectural theory and methods


Oikonet. A global multidisciplinary network on housing research and learning

Jenny Stenberg Architectural theory and methods
European Commission (EC)

1 publication exists
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