Elin Svensson
Elin Svensson holds a PostDoc position, working on efficient industrial energy systems and strategic decision-making.
The aim of the research is to increase the understanding of how new technology and increased process integration in industrial processes can be managed with regard to operability, availability and flexibility to changing conditions.
In her PhD thesis, Elin studied how a pulp mill could take steps towards becoming an integrated forest biorefinery, and how this could be done while ensuring energy efficiency and profitability in the long term. Consideration was given to uncertainties in future energy prices as well as the development of new technology.

Showing 77 publications
Advanced capture configurations for selected pulp and paper plants incl. technoeconomic analysis
Flexibility analysis using boundary functions for considering dependencies in uncertain parameters
Flexibility analysis of chemical processes considering overlaying uncertainty sources
Resolving issues of scaling for gramian-based input–output pairing methods
Analysis and synthesis of utility systems, including heat pumping and combined heat and power
Flexibility analysis of chemical processes considering dependencies between uncertain parameters
Bottom–Up Assessment Framework for Electrification Options in Energy-Intensive Process Industries
A framework for flexible and cost-efficient retrofit measures of heat exchanger networks
Studying the Role of System Aggregation in Energy Targeting: A Case Study of a Swedish Oil Refinery
A computational tool for analysing the response of complex heat exchanger networks to disturbances
Combined Flexibility and Energy Analysis of Retrofit Actions for Heat Exchanger Networks
Environmental assessment of a biorefinery concept for production of bulk and fine chemicals
Chalmers Industrial Case Study Portfolio - Contents, Structure and Example Applications
Non-energy benefits of heat integration retrofits – case study at a large oil refinery in Sweden
Prospective LCA of a biorefinery concept for production of bulk and fine chemicals
Availability of excess heat from the Swedish Kraft pulping industry
A new method of scaling the gramian based input-output pairing methods for improved results
Resolving Issues of Scaling for Gramian Based Input-Output Pairing Methods
Design of heat exchanger networks with good controllability
The effect of high solids loading in ethanol production integrated with a pulp mill
Investigating operability issues of heat integration for implementation in the oil refining industry
Assessing the Controllability of Heat Exchanger Networks
Optimal Multi-Period Investment Analysis for Flexible Pulp Mill Utility Systems
High solids loading in ethanol production - Effects on heat integration opportunities and economics
Energy Transfer Diagram for Site-Wide Analysis and Application to a Kraft Pulp Mill
Reasons to apply operability analysis in the design of integrated biorefineries
Pinch analysis at Preem LYR II - Modifications
Converting a kraft pulp mill into a multi-product biorefinery – Part 2: Economical aspects
Operational Flexibility in Pulp Mill Steam Production at Off-design Heat Loads
A model for optimization of process integration investments under uncertainty
Pinch analysis of a partly integrated pulp and paper mill
An optimization methodology for identifying robust process integration investments under uncertainty
Optimization of process integration investments under energy market uncertainties
Low model order approximations of continuously stirred biofilm reactors with Monod kinetics
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Showing 5 research projects
Providing access to cost-efficient, replicable, safe and flexible CCUS ( ACCSESS)
Flexible process integration solutions for the pulp and paper industry
Identification of operability challenges of strategic process integration measures
System analysis of lignocellulosic ethanol production via “High Solid SSF”