Michael Patriksson
Michael Patriksson is professor of applied mathematics. His research spans models and algorithms for nonlinear optimization problems and variational inequalities, convex non-differentiable optimization, combinatorial optimization, and stochastic mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints, all motivated by applications. Applied projects include maintenance and project scheduling, multi-objective combinatorial design, and traffic planning. When Michael is not working, he takes care of his family and his large collection of rare vinyl records.

Showing 161 publications
Data Driven Maintenance: A Promising Way of Action for Future Industrial Services Management
Optimal scheduling of the next preventive maintenance activity for a wind farm
The stochastic opportunistic replacement problem, part III: improved bounding procedures
A splitting algorithm for simulation-based optimization problems with categorical variables
Tradable mobility permit with Bitcoin and Ethereum – A Blockchain application in transportation
Optimization for Roads' Construction: Selection, Prioritization, and Scheduling
A hybrid machine-learning and optimization method to solve bi-level problems
Minimization of water pumps' electricity usage: a machine-learning approach
A hybrid branch-and-bound and Benders decomposition algorithm for the network design problem
Machine-Learning for the Roads’ Construction: Selection, Prioritization and Scheduling
Integration of expert knowledge into radial basis function surrogate models
An Introduction to Continuous Optimization, 3rd edition
A generic column generation principle: derivation and convergence analysis
Primal convergence from dual subgradient methods for convex optimization
Sensitivity analysis of welfare, equity, and acceptability level of transport policies
Optimal redundancy and maintenance strategy decisions for offshore wind power converters
Editorial: Optimization of Maintenance Activities—Models, Methods, and Applications
The stochastic opportunistic replacement problem, part II: a two-stage solution approach
Färdplan för ökad forskning och innovation inom underhåll av järnvägsfordon
Preventive maintenance scheduling of multi-component systems with interval costs
Subben’s checklist and the quality of articles in OR
An optimization model for truck tyres selection
Subben's checklist and the quality of articles in OR
Introduction to Continuous Optimization
Sensitivity analysis of welfare, equity, and acceptability level of transport policies
A Redundancy Optimization Model Applied to Offshore Wind Turbine Power Converters
An efficient algorithm for solving the flexible job shop scheduling problem
The opportunistic replacement problem: theoretical analyses and numerical tests
Primal convergence from dual subgradient methods for convex optimization
Preventive maintenance scheduling of multi-component systems with deterioration costs
The preventive maintenance scheduling problem with interval costs
Optimization models for improving periodic maintenance schedules by utilizing opportunities
A Time-indexed Formulation of a Flexible Job Shop Problem with a Limited Number of Fixtures
The opportunistic replacement problem: analysis and case studies
The opportunistic replacement problem with individual component lives
Column generation algorithms for nonlinear optimization, II: Numerical investigations
A new robustness index for multi-objective optimization based on a user perspective
A model for optimization of process integration investments under uncertainty
A stochastic model for opportunistic maintenance planning of offshore wind farms
Mathematical modelling of a real flexible job shop in aero engine component manufacturing
The stochastic opportunistic replacement problem: A two-stage solution approach
Pure categorical optimization - a global descent approach
A note on the complexity of flow-shop scheduling with deteriorating jobs
Multi-objective design of a combinatorial structure
Combustion engine optimization: A multiobjective approach
An evaluation approach for opportunistic maintenance optimization models for nuclear power plants
A comparison of feasible direction methods for the stochastic transportation problem
Approximating the Pareto Optimal Set using a Reduced Set of Objective Functions
Optimization of schedules for a multitask production cell
A method for simulation based optimization using radial basis functions
An optimization framework for opportunistic maintenance of offshore wind power system
The replacement problem: A polyhedral and complexity analysis
The replacement problem: A polyhedral and complexity analysis. The complete version
An optimization methodology for identifying robust process integration investments under uncertainty
Robust bilevel optimization models in transportation science
Convergent Lagrangian heuristics for nonlinear minimum cost network flows
A survey on the continuous nonlinear resource allocation problem
Optimization of opportunistic replacement activities: A case study in the aircraft industry
Optimization of opportunistic replacement activities: A case study in the aircraft industry
A survey on the continuous nonlinear resource allocation problem
Early primal recovery in Lagrangian dual schemes for nonlinear minimum cost network flows
A generic column generation scheme
Introduction to Continuous Optimization
On the convergence of stationary sequences in topology optimization
Numerical experiments with a decision support system methodology for strategic traffic management
Sensitivity analysis of traffic equilibria
On the convergence of stationary sequences in topoloy optimization
A column generation procedure for the side constrained traffic equilibrium problem
On the existence of solutions to stochastic mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints
Algorithms for computing traffic equilibria
Stochastic structural topology optimization: Discretization and penalty function approach
Stochastic structural topology optimization: Existence of solutions and sensitivity analyses
Variational geometry and equilibrium
Stable relaxations of stochastic stress constrained weight minimization problems
A bilevel optimization model and descent algorithm for traffic management
On traffic equilibrium models with a nonlinear time/money relation
On stochastic structural topology optimization
A decision support methodology for strategic traffic management
Most likely traffic equilbrium route flows: Analysis and computation
A decision support methodology for strategic traffic management
Network equilibrium models: A class of column generation/simplicial decomposition algorithms
Stochastic bilevel programming in structural optimization
Sensitivity analysis of traffic equilibria revisited
A new merit function and an SQP method for non-strictly monotone variational inequalities
Ergodic, primal convergence in dual subgradient schemes for convex programming
Stochastic mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints
Nonlinear Programming and Variational Inequality Problems: A Unified Approach
Side constrained traffic equilibrium models: analysis, computation and applications
Decomposition methods for differentiable optimization problems on Cartesian product sets
An algorithm for the combined distribution and assignment model
The combined distribution and stochastic assignment problem
Cost approximation algorithms with nonmonotone line searches for nonlinear programs
Price-directive traffic management - Applications of side constrained traffic equilibrium models
Ergodic convergence in subgradient optimization
Cost approximation: A unified framework of descent algorithms for nonlinear programs
Merit functions and descent algorithms for a class of variational inequality problems
Topology optimization of sheets in contact by a subgradient method
Applications of simplicial decomposition with nonlinear column generation to nonlinear network flows
A subgradient method for contact structural optimization
A dual scheme for traffic assignment problems
Ergodic results in subgradient optimization
An algorithm for the stochastic user equilibrium problem
Ergodic results and bounds on the optimal value in subgradient optimization
Conditional subgradient optimization - theory and applications
On side constrained models of traffic equilibria
On the convergence of descent methods for monotone variational inequalities
Equilibrium characterizations of solutions to side constrained asymmetric traffic assignment models
A class of gap functions for variational inequalities
A unified description of iterative algorithms for traffic equilibria
A partial linearization algorithm for the traffic assignment problem
Partial linearization methods in nonlinear programming
Simplicial decomposition with disaggregated representation for the traffic assignment problem
Simplicial decomposition with disaggregated representation for the traffic assignment problem
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Showing 10 research projects
Site-Adaptive Analysis Methods to Predict and Enhance Lifetime of Wind Turbines
Tactical resource allocation for efficient capacity Utilization
Future Industrial Services Management
TyreOpt - Fuel consumption reduction by tyre drag optimization
Production planning facilitated by optimal scheduling of a multi-task production cell
Truck configuration with respect to multiple criteria in a heterogeneous and dynamic environment
Nonsmooth convex optimization—theory and solution methodology