Pontus Wallgren
Pontus’s research concerns methods for user requirements elicitation and communication. In particular he is interested in how users can be enabled to participate in product development using methods such as Co-Design. Furthermore he is interested in user adoption of new technology. What are the pre-requisites and how can we design products and systems in a way that is accepted and adopted? Pontus’s research is largely applied within the area of sustainable urban mobility (public transport, electromobility , bicycling and other active transport modes). He is the contact person for the division’s theme Sustainable Urban Mobility.

Showing 78 publications
Attitudes Towards E-scooter Safety – A Survey in Five Countries
E-scooter riders and pedestrians: Attitudes and interactions in five countries
Designing the S in MaaS: Behind the scenes and beyond the screens
Finding that elusive bell and other issues - experiences from starting to cycle during a pandemic
Uppfattningar och erfarenheter av elsparkcyklar och dess säkerhet -en enkätstudie
Course design: Making philosophy of science useful and fun
How to make advanced online user studies meaningful
Final measures (Deliverable 5.5)
Nudging bicyclists towards a safer behavior -Experiences from the MeBeSafe project
Results of field trials (Deliverable 5.4)
Specification of nudges. Deliverable D3.1. to the MeBeSafe proejct.
Haptic nudges to influence cyclist behaviour – an experimental study
D13.4 , EBSF 2 - Gothenburg: Demonstration Results
Electric bicycle adoption – opportunities and requirements
Electric Bicycle Adoption: Opportunities and Requirements
Electric bicycle adoption – drivers and barriers from a user perspective
Improving Attractiveness of Public Transportation with Interactive Experiences
The paradox of public acceptance of bike sharing in Gothenburg
Turning Interaction Design Students Into Co-Researchers: How We Tried This and Somewhat Failed
Hur formar människan elbilen och hur formar den oss?
Understanding Public Attitudes to Bike-Sharing in Gothenburg
TeleFOT/D4.6.3 Impacts of environment -results and implications
How will car users shape electromobility and how will electromobility shape users?
Involvering av resenärer i utveckling av kollektivtrafikfordon
Exploring children's foodscapes
User Uptake of Nomadic and After Market Devices. Experiences from the TeleFOT project
Evaluating public transport vehicles using full scale mockups and staged experiences
TeleFOT/D4.6.2 Impacts on environment – Preliminary results
TeleFOT/D4.4.2 Inpacts on Mobility - Preliminary Results
TeleFOT/D4.7.1 Implications of Take-up
Barn som medforskare av matlandskap. Del 2: Meddesign
TeleFOT/D3.3.2 Test Communities Final Description
On the issue of subjective data: Experiences from a small-scale field operational test
Catching wasps and baking dinosaurs. Experiences from co-designing with children.
TeleFOT/D3.7.2 Data and User Management
Exploring Children’s foodscapes
TeleFOT/Deliverable D2.5.1 Functions specification, version 2.0
SeMiFOT: The collection and analysis of subjective data
TeleFOT/D3.7.1 Data and User Management Description
Empirisk utvärdering av användarvänligheten hos UBs webbplats
“Den flerdimensionella matkonsumenten. Värderingar och beteenden hos 55+ konsumenten”,
Enjoyment and concern. The importance of food and eating for aging consumers.
Creating an arena for use-centred development of medical and health care technology
The inherent conflicts in user-centred product development
Enabling the user - Exploring methodological effects on user requirements elicitation
Developing a Navigation Aid for the Frail and Visually Impaired
Eliciting Customer Requirements in Focus Group Interviews: Can Efficiency Be Increased?
”Jag tror att de hört vad vi har sagt”. Utvärdering av förslag till en ny spårvagn
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Showing 16 research projects
Monotoring Reefers for reduced fire risk onboard
SUM -Seamless shared Urban Mobility
Testbed environment for electrified autonomous public water transports
MicroITS - Computational models for a safe integration of micromobility in the transport system
The guiding hand of Infrastructure -Nudging bicyclists towards safer and more efficient behaviour
COVID19 – mediating a transition to more sustainable transport
FAD- Facilitating User Studies at a Distance
Campus MaaS - A tool for transition?
MoJo - Demonstration of a sustainable mobility service (MaaS) for employees at Campus Johanneberg
Measures for behaving safely in traffic (MeBeSafe)
European Bus Systems of the Future 2 (EBSF 2)
HMI design for automated vehicles - HATric
Bridging the Gap: Children and Planners Co-Creating the Urban Space