Selpi Selpi

Head of Division at Data Science and AI

My current research interests are on data-centric AI, multimodal learning, learning from unlabelled data, interpretable AI, and their applications to e.g., autonomous driving and traffic safety.

I am the main supervisor of the following PhD students: (1) Amer Mustajbasic (2023-now) and (2) Mengyu Huang (2024-now).

Check out this link and to watch this podcast to know a bit of my work in the EU project called PANACEA.

Image of Selpi Selpi

Showing 38 publications


Scenario-based trajectory generation and density estimation towards risk analysis of autonomous vehicles

Edvin Johansson, Matilda Sönnergaard, Selpi Selpi et al
IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Proceedings, ITSC, p. 1375-1380
Paper in proceeding

Spatiotemporal Interaction Pattern Recognition and Risk Evolution Analysis During Lane Changes

Yue Zhang, Yajie Zou, Selpi Selpi et al
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Vol. 24 (6), p. 6663-6673
Journal article

Potential impact of autonomous vehicles in mixed traffic from simulation using real traffic flow

Eleonora Andreotti, Selpi Selpi, Pinar Boyraz Baykas
Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles. Vol. 6 (1), p. 1-15
Journal article

Cooperative merging strategy between connected autonomous vehicles in mixed traffic

Eleonora Andreotti, Selpi Selpi, Maytheewat Aramrattana
IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. Vol. 3, p. 825-837
Journal article

Optimization of Two-Phase Sampling Designs with Application to Naturalistic Driving Studies

Henrik Imberg, Vera Lisovskaja, Selpi Selpi et al
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Vol. 23 (4), p. 3575-3588
Journal article

Behavioral adaptation of drivers when driving among automated vehicles

Maytheewat Aramrattana, Jiali Fu, Selpi Selpi
Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles. Vol. 5 (3), p. 309-315
Journal article

Safety benefit of cooperative control for heterogeneous traffic on-ramp merging

Xiao Jing, Xin Pei, Song Yan et al
Transportation Safety and Environment. Vol. 4 (4)
Journal article

Analytical Method of Traffic Conflict at Urban Road Intersections Based on Risk Region

Yichen Lu, Yajie Zou, Kai Cheng et al
Tongji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tongji University. Vol. 49 (7), p. 941-948
Journal article

Mathematical Definitions of Scene and Scenario for Analysis of Automated Driving Systems in Mixed-Traffic Simulations

Eleonora Andreotti, Pinar Boyraz Baykas, Selpi Selpi
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles. Vol. 6 (2), p. 366-375
Journal article

A Modular, Adaptive, and Autonomous Transit System (MAATS): A In-motion Transfer Strategy and Performance Evaluation in Urban Grid Transit Networks

Jiaming Wu, Balázs Adam Kulcsár, Selpi Selpi et al
Transportation Research Part A: General. Vol. 151, p. 81-98
Journal article

Lane-Level Map Matching based on HMM

Anders Hansson, Ellen Korsberg, Roza Maghsood et al
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles. Vol. 6 (3), p. 430-439
Journal article

Comparison of Car-Following Behavior in Terms of Safety Indicators Between China and Sweden

Tong Liu, Selpi Selpi
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Vol. 21 (9), p. 3696-3705
Journal article

Safety-centred analysis of transition stages to traffic with fully autonomous vehicles

Eleonora Andreotti, Pinar Boyraz Baykas, Selpi Selpi
IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Proceedings, ITSC
Paper in proceeding

Characterisation of Motorway Driving Style Using Naturalistic Driving Data

Teemu Itkonen, Esko Lehtonen, Selpi Selpi
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. Vol. 69, p. 72-79
Journal article

Analysis of SHRP2 Data to Understand Normal and Abnormal Driving Behavior in Work Zones

Carol A. Flannagan, Selpi Selpi, Pinar Boyraz Baykas et al

Using Scaling Methods to Improve Support Vector Regression’s Performance for Travel Time and Volume Predictions

Amanda Yan Lin, Mengcheng Zhang, Selpi Selpi
Time Series Analysis and Forecasting, Contributions to Statistics, p. 115-127
Paper in proceeding

The Relationship between Different Safety Indicators in Car-following Situations

Tong Liu, Selpi Selpi, Rui Fu
IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Proceedings. Vol. 2018-June, p. 1515-1520
Paper in proceeding

Combining Support Vector Regression with Scaling Methods for Highway Tollgates Travel Time and Volume Predictions

Amanda Yan Lin, Mengcheng Zhang, Selpi Selpi
Proceedings of International Work-Conference on Time Series Analysis (ITISE 2017), Granada, 18-20 September 2017. Vol. 1, p. 411-421
Paper in proceeding

Economics of Road Safety – What does it imply under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development?

Jac Wismans, Selpi Selpi, Marie Thynell et al
10th Regional Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST) Forum in Asia, 14-16 March 2017 in Vientiane, Lao PDR, p. 1-58
Other conference contribution

A Review of Research on Driving Styles and Road Safety

Fridulv Sagberg, Selpi Selpi, Giulio Bianchi Piccinini et al
Human Factors. Vol. 57 (No. 7, November 2015), p. 1248- 1275
Review article

Driving Signature Extraction

Ekim Yurtsever, Chiyomi Miyajima, Selpi Selpi et al
Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology Towards Zero Traffic Accidents (FAST-zero 2015)
Paper in proceeding

The effect of curve geometry on driver behaviour in curves by using naturalistic driving data

Andréa Palmberg, Jakob Imberg, Selpi Selpi et al
Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology Towards Zero Traffic Accidents (FAST-zero 2015)
Paper in proceeding

Mutual Recognition Methodology Development

Carol A.C. Flannagan, Paul E. Green, Kathleen D. Klinich et al

Deliverable D5.3: Final delivery of data and answers to questionnaires

Stefanie Schoch, Leandro Guidotti, Andràs Csepinszky et al

Deliverable D11.3: Final Report

Christoph Kessler, Aria Etemad, Giancarlo Alessandretti et al

Investigating visually distracted driver reactions in rear-end crashes and near crashes based on 100-car study data

Henrik Lind, Selpi Selpi, Marco Dozza
In D. de Waard, N. Merat, A.H. Jamson, Y. Barnard, and O.M.J. Carsten (Eds.) (2012). Human Factors of Systems and Technology, p. 201-211
Paper in proceeding

Deliverable D3.3: Data management in euroFOT

Selpi Selpi, Samuel Borgen, Jonas Bärgman et al

Automatic real-time FACS-coder to anonymise drivers in eye tracker videos

Selpi Selpi, Torsten Wilhelm, Marcus N E Jansson et al
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, ICCV Workshops 2011, Barcelona, 6-13 November 2011, p. 1986-1993
Paper in proceeding

On data security and analysis platforms for analysis of naturalistic driving data

Jonas Bärgman, Helena Gellerman, Jordanka Kovaceva et al
Proceedings of the 8th European Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services, June 2011, Lyon
Paper in proceeding

Predicting functional upstream open reading frames in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Selpi Selpi, Christopher H. Bryant, Graham Kemp et al
BMC Bioinformatics. Vol. 10, p. 451-
Journal article

Using mRNA Secondary Structure Predictions Improves Recognition of Known Yeast Functional uORFs

Selpi Selpi, C. H. Bryant, Graham Kemp
Wehenkel, L., d'Alché-Buc, F., Moreau, Y. and Geurts, P. (eds.) MLSB08, The Second International Workshop on Machine Learning in Systems Biology, Brussels, 13-14 September 2008., p. 85-93
Paper in proceeding

Using Inductive Logic Programming to Predict Functional Upstream Open Reading Frames in Yeast

Selpi Selpi, C. H. Bryant, Graham Kemp et al
15th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology & 6th European Conference on Computational Biology (ISMB/ECCB 2007), Vienna, Austria, 21-25 July 2007
Conference poster

A First Step towards Learning which uORFs Regulate Gene Expression

Selpi Selpi, C. H. Bryant, Graham Kemp et al
Journal of integrative bioinformatics. Vol. 3 (2), p. 31-
Journal article

Using the Functional Data Model to Store and Query Recursive Biological Data

Graham Kemp, Selpi Selpi, Merja Karjalainen
Workshop on Database Issues in Biological Databases (DBiBD),8-9 January 2005, Edinburgh, UK, p. 24-28
Other conference contribution

Pathway and Protein Interaction Data: from XML to FDM Database

Graham Kemp, Selpi Selpi
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Vol. 2994, p. 212-219
Journal article

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Showing 16 research projects


YOLO algorithm for shipping waste discharges detection at Swedish waters based on fused satellite images with ship AIS data

Wengang Mao Marine Technology
Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Leif Eriksson Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Selpi Selpi Data Science and AI 1
AoA Transport


An interpretable, self-explaining method for traffic safety applications

Mattias Wahde Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Marco L. Della Vedova Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Selpi Selpi Data Science and AI 1


Deep MultiModal Learning for Automotive Applications

Selpi Selpi Data Science and AI 1
Lennart Svensson Signal Processing
Lars Hammarstrand Signal Processing
Amer Mustajbasic Data Science and AI 1
Ji Lan Signal Processing
Mahandokht Rafidashti Signal Processing


PracticAl and Effective tools to moNitor and Assess CommErciAl drivers’ fitness to drive (PANACEA)

Selpi Selpi Data Science and AI
European Commission (EC)

2 publications exist

Personal mobility and development

Selpi Selpi Crash Analysis and Prevention
The Chalmers University Foundation
GENIE, Chalmers Gender Initiative for Excellence


Safe and Liveable Urban Streets: Integrating driver and the built environment perspectives for a sustainable transport system

Robert Thomson Injury Prevention
Lars Marcus Urban Design and Planning
Selpi Selpi Crash Analysis and Prevention
Jorge Gil Urban Design and Planning
Ioanna Stavroulaki Urban Design and Planning


Aligning ontologies in traffic safety and urban development

Lars Marcus Urban Design and Planning
Jorge Gil Urban Design and Planning
Selpi Selpi Crash Analysis and Prevention


Driving styles of autonomous vehicles in mixed traffic (DS-Auto)

Selpi Selpi Vehicle Safety
Pinar Boyraz Baykas Vehicle Safety
Eleonora Andreotti Vehicle Safety

5 publications exist

Heterogeneous Traffic Groups Cooperative Driving Behaviours Research under Mixed Traffic Condition

Selpi Selpi Crash Analysis and Prevention
Eleonora Andreotti Vehicle Safety
Pinar Boyraz Baykas Crash Analysis and Prevention

7 publications exist

Public transit shared mobility - connected and safe solutions

Xiaobo Qu Geology and Geotechnics
Jiaming Wu Automatic Control
Selpi Selpi Vehicle Safety
Balázs Adam Kulcsár Automatic Control

4 publications exist

Transition to Transport System of the Future: Multi-Level Infrastructure Planning for Autonomous Vehicles

Pinar Boyraz Baykas Vehicle Safety
Selpi Selpi Vehicle Safety
Balázs Adam Kulcsár Automatic Control
Ivana Tasic Geology and Geotechnics
Robert Thomson Vehicle Safety
Nikolce Murgovski Mechatronics


Creating a core-enabler for evaluating scenarios of mixed vehicular traffic

Selpi Selpi Vehicle Safety
Robert Thomson Vehicle Safety
Balázs Adam Kulcsár Automatic Control
Jordanka Kovaceva Vehicle Safety


Analysis of SHRP2 Data to Understand Normal and Abnormal Driving Behavior in Work Zones: Phase II

Pinar Boyraz Baykas Crash Analysis and Prevention
Robert Thomson Vehicle Safety
Selpi Selpi Vehicle Safety
Jordanka Kovaceva Vehicle Safety
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

1 publication exists

Analysis of SHRP2 Data to Understand Normal and Abnormal Driving Behavior in Work Zones: Phase I

Jordanka Kovaceva Vehicle Safety
Selpi Selpi Crash Analysis and Prevention
Robert Thomson Injury Prevention
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)


Att bättre förstå körstil från naturalistisk kördata

Selpi Selpi Accident Prevention
Swedish Transport Administration


Driver modelling and cross-cultural analysis of driving styles based on large-scale driving data

Selpi Selpi Accident Prevention
Robert Thomson Vehicle Safety
Giulio Bianchi Piccinini Vehicle Safety
The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education (STINT)

There might be more projects where Selpi Selpi participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.