Sriram Kesarimangalam
I have a PhD in Nanoscience and technology and I am currently working as a specialist researcher in Fredrik Westerlund's group. My expertise is in design and fabrication of micro- nanofluidic devices for single molecule biophysics applications. In addition, I work on projects involving "optical DNA mapping" to study plasmid mediated antibiotic resistance, DNA-protein interactions etc.

Showing 46 publications
Biological Amyloids Chemically Damage DNA
Xrs2/NBS1 promote end-bridging activity of the MRE11-RAD50 complex
Fluorescence Microscopy of Nanochannel-Confined DNA
Nanofluidics highlights importance of CtIP's tetrameric structure for DNA repair
Strain-level bacterial typing directly from patient samples using optical DNA mapping
A single-molecule view on non-homologous end-joining in bacteria
Probing physical properties of single amyloid fibrils using nanofluidic channels
Plasmonic polymer nanoantenna arrays for electrically tunable and electrode-free metasurfaces
Single molecule experiments highlight the role of NBS1 and Xrs2 in DNA tethering by MRN and MRX
Probing physical properties of single amyloid fibrils using nanofluidic channels
DNA in Nanochannels - Theory and Applications
Nanofluidic Trapping of Faceted Colloidal Nanocrystals for Parallel Single-Particle Catalysis
Organic Anisotropic Excitonic Optical Nanoantennas
A parallelized nanofluidic device for high-throughput optical dna mapping of bacterial plasmids
Cultivation-Free Typing of Bacteria Using Optical DNA Mapping
Real-time compaction of nanoconfined DNA by an intrinsically disordered macromolecular counterion
Real-Time Condensation of Nanoconfined DNA by an Intrinsically Disordered Polycationic Protein
A Nanofluidic Device for Multiplexed Analysis of Single Exosomes
Phosphorylated CtIP bridges DNA to promote annealing of broken ends
Multiplexed optical DNA mapping to identify plasmids and their resistance genes in fecal samples
Alpha-Synuclein Binds to DNA and Modulates its Physical Properties
Enzyme-free optical DNA mapping of the human genome using competitive binding
Bacterial identification by optical mapping of genomic DNA in nanofluidic channels
Alpha-Synuclein Modulates the Physical Properties of DNA
Interactions between DNA and HIV-1 Nucleocapsid Protein Studied using Nanofluidic Channels
Nanofluidic optical DNA mapping for rapid identification of antibiotics resistant plasmids
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