Witlef Wieczorek

Head of Division at Quantum Technology

Witlef Wieczorek is leading a research group that explores the control over mechanical motion down to the quantum regime. The group follows different physical approaches to pursue this research: coupling mechanical motion to light in so-called cavity optomechanical devices; using superconducting magnetic levitation as a means to reach ultra-low mechanical dissipation; and exploring embedded quantum emitters in free-standing two-dimensional materials. Please have a look at the group's website: https://wieczorek-lab.com

Source: chalmers.se
Image of Witlef Wieczorek

Showing 32 publications


Coherent feedback control for cavity optomechanical systems with a frequency-dependent mirror

Lei Du, Juliette Monsel, Witlef Wieczorek et al
Physical Review A. Vol. 111 (1)
Journal article

Superconducting flip-chip devices using indium microspheres on Au-passivated Nb or NbN as under-bump metallization layer

Achintya Paradkar, Paul Nicaise, Karim Dakroury et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 126 (2)
Journal article

Modeling magnetically levitated superconducting ellipsoids, cylinders, and cuboids for quantum magnetomechanics

Natanael Bort-Soldevila, Jaume Cunill-Subiranas, Nuria Del-Valle et al
Physical Review Research. Vol. 6 (4)
Journal article

Quasibound states in the continuum in photonic crystal based optomechanical microcavities

Cindy Peralle, Sushanth Kini Manjeshwar, Anastasiia Ciers et al
Physical Review B. Vol. 109 (3)
Journal article

Optomechanical Microcavity With a Tensile-strained InGaP Membrane

Alexander Wolfgang Martin Jung, Anastasiia Ciers, André Strittmatter et al
Quantum 2.0 in Proceedings Quantum 2.0 Conference and Exhibition
Paper in proceeding

Dissipative and dispersive cavity optomechanics with a frequency-dependent mirror

Juliette Monsel, Anastasiia Ciers, Sushanth Kini Manjeshwar et al
Physical Review A. Vol. 109 (4)
Journal article

Thickness dependence of the mechanical properties of piezoelectric high-Q<inf>m</inf> nanomechanical resonators made from aluminium nitride

Anastasiia Ciers, Alexander Wolfgang Martin Jung, Joachim Ciers et al
Materials for Quantum Technology. Vol. 4 (4)
Journal article

Nanomechanical Crystalline AlN Resonators with High Quality Factors for Quantum Optoelectromechanics

Anastasiia Ciers, Alexander Wolfgang Martin Jung, Joachim Ciers et al
Advanced Materials. Vol. 36 (44)
Journal article

Monolithic cavity for optomechanics featuring a bound state in the continuum

Cindy Peralle, Sushanth Kini Manjeshwar, Anastasiia Ciers et al
2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023
Paper in proceeding

Bound-State-in-the-Continuum Resonances in Monolithic Cavities on a Substrate

Cindy Peralle, Sushanth Kini Manjeshwar, Anastasiia Ciers et al
International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, p. 696-697
Paper in proceeding

High-Q Trampoline Resonators from Strained Crystalline InGaP for Integrated Free-Space Optomechanics

Sushanth Kini Manjeshwar, Anastasiia Ciers, Fia Hellman et al
Nano Letters. Vol. 23 (11), p. 5076-5082
Journal article

Localization and interaction of interlayer excitons in MoSe<inf>2</inf>/WSe<inf>2</inf> heterobilayers

Hanlin Fang, Qiaoling Lin, Yi Zhang et al
Nature Communications. Vol. 14 (1)
Journal article

Superconducting Microsphere Magnetically Levitated in an Anharmonic Potential with Integrated Magnetic Readout

Martí Gutierrez Latorre, Gerard Higgins, Achintya Paradkar et al
Physical Review Applied. Vol. 19 (5)
Journal article

High- Q Magnetic Levitation and Control of Superconducting Microspheres at Millikelvin Temperatures

J. Hofer, R. Gross, Gerard Higgins et al
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 131 (4)
Journal article

Integrated microcavity optomechanics with a suspended photonic crystal mirror above a distributed Bragg reflector

Sushanth Kini Manjeshwar, Anastasiia Ciers, Juliette Monsel et al
Optics Express. Vol. 31 (19), p. 30212-30226
Journal article

Towards New Regimes in Cavity Optomechanics with Photonic Bound States in the Continuum in Photonic Crystal Membranes

Jamie Fitzgerald, Sushanth Kini Manjeshwar, Witlef Wieczorek et al
International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, p. 633-634
Paper in proceeding

Valley-exchange coupling probed by angle-resolved photoluminescence

Joshua Thompson, Samuel Brem, Hanlin Fang et al
Nanoscale Horizons. Vol. 7 (1), p. 77-84
Journal article

A chip-based superconducting magnetic trap for levitating superconducting microparticles

Martí Gutierrez, Achintya Paradkar, David Hambraeus et al
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. Vol. 32 (4)
Journal article

Optomechanical cooling with coherent and squeezed light: The thermodynamic cost of opening the heat valve

Juliette Monsel, Nastaran Dashti, Sushanth Kini et al
Physical Review A. Vol. 103 (6)
Journal article

Double layer photonic crystal membranes in AlGaAs heterostructures for integrated cavity optomechanics

Sushanth Kini, Anastasiia Ciers, Jamie Fitzgerald et al
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers
Paper in proceeding

Cavity optomechanics with photonic bound states in the continuum

Jamie Fitzgerald, Sushanth Kini, Witlef Wieczorek et al
Physical Review Research. Vol. 3 (1)
Journal article

Vibrational signatures for the identification of single-photon emitters in hexagonal boron nitride

Christopher Linderälv, Witlef Wieczorek, Paul Erhart
Physical Review B. Vol. 103 (11)
Journal article

Integrated free-space optomechanics with AlGaAs heterostructures

Anastasiia Ciers, Sushanth Kini, Jamie Fitzgerald et al
2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021
Paper in proceeding

Nanophotonic Structures for Cavity Optomechanics

Jamie Fitzgerald, Sushanth Kini, Witlef Wieczorek et al
2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021. Vol. June 2021
Paper in proceeding

Suspended photonic crystal membranes in AlGaAs heterostructures for integrated multi-element optomechanics

Sushanth Kini, Karim Elkhouly, Jamie Fitzgerald et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 116 (26)
Journal article

Criteria for deterministic single-photon emission in two-dimensional atomic crystals

Joshua Thompson, Samuel Brem, Hanlin Fang et al
Physical Review Materials. Vol. 4 (8)
Journal article

Stationary optomechanical entanglement between a mechanical oscillator and its measurement apparatus

C. Gut, K. Winkler, J. Hoelscher-Obermaier et al
Journal article

Chip-based superconducting traps for levitation of micrometer-sized particles in the Meissner state

Martí Gutierrez Latorre, Joachim Hofer, Matthias Rudolph et al
Superconductor Science and Technology. Vol. 33 (10)
Journal article

Optimal control of hybrid optomechanical systems for generating non-classical states of mechanical motion

Ville Bergholm, Witlef Wieczorek, Thomas Schulte-Herbrueggen et al
Quantum Science and Technology. Vol. 4 (3)
Journal article

Experimental Determination of Irreversible Entropy Production in out-of-Equilibrium Mesoscopic Quantum Systems

M. Brunelli, L. Fusco, R. Landig et al
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 121 (16)
Journal article

Electro-mechanical Casimir effect

Mikel Sanz, Witlef Wieczorek, Simon Groblacher et al
Quantum. Vol. 2
Journal article

Ultrasensitive Inertial and Force Sensors with Diamagnetically Levitated Magnets

J. Prat-Camps, C. Teo, C. C. Rusconi et al
Physical Review Applied. Vol. 8 (3)
Journal article

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Showing 9 research projects


Entanglement of an array of massive, magnetically levitated superconducting microparticles on a chip (SuperQLev)

Witlef Wieczorek Quantum Technology
European Commission (EC)

1 publication exists

Optical control over multi-membrane materials (OCOMM)

Witlef Wieczorek Quantum Technology
European Commission (EC)


Exploring nonclassical states of center-of-mass mechanical motion with superconducting magneto- and levitomechanics

Witlef Wieczorek Quantum Technology
European Commission (EC)

5 publications exist

Funktionalisering av nanomekaniska resonatorer med tvådimensionella material

Witlef Wieczorek Quantum Technology
Hanlin Fang Quantum Technology
Stiftelsen Olle Engkvist Byggmästare


Levitated superconducting mechanical resonators: a novel platform for quantum experiments and sensing

Witlef Wieczorek Quantum Technology
Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation

3 publications exist

Testing quantum physics in uncharted territory using a magneto-mechanical oscillator

Witlef Wieczorek Quantum Technology
Gerard Higgins Quantum Technology
Swedish Research Council (VR)

6 publications exist

Nonlinear interaction between light and mechanical motion for quantum optics and quantum sensing experiments

Witlef Wieczorek Quantum Technology
Swedish Research Council (VR)

8 publications exist

Continuously Monitored Quantum Sensors: Smart Tools and Applications

Witlef Wieczorek Quantum Technology
Swedish Research Council (VR)

3 publications exist
There might be more projects where Witlef Wieczorek participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.