Witlef Wieczorek
Witlef Wieczorek is leading a research group that explores the control over mechanical motion down to the quantum regime. The group follows different physical approaches to pursue this research: coupling mechanical motion to light in so-called cavity optomechanical devices; using superconducting magnetic levitation as a means to reach ultra-low mechanical dissipation; and exploring embedded quantum emitters in free-standing two-dimensional materials. Please have a look at the group's website: https://wieczorek-lab.com
Showing 30 publications
Quasibound states in the continuum in photonic crystal based optomechanical microcavities
Dissipative and dispersive cavity optomechanics with a frequency-dependent mirror
Optomechanical Microcavity With a Tensile-strained InGaP Membrane
Nanomechanical Crystalline AlN Resonators with High Quality Factors for Quantum Optoelectromechanics
Monolithic cavity for optomechanics featuring a bound state in the continuum
Bound-State-in-the-Continuum Resonances in Monolithic Cavities on a Substrate
High-Q Trampoline Resonators from Strained Crystalline InGaP for Integrated Free-Space Optomechanics
High- Q Magnetic Levitation and Control of Superconducting Microspheres at Millikelvin Temperatures
Valley-exchange coupling probed by angle-resolved photoluminescence
A chip-based superconducting magnetic trap for levitating superconducting microparticles
Cavity optomechanics with photonic bound states in the continuum
Integrated free-space optomechanics with AlGaAs heterostructures
Vibrational signatures for the identification of single-photon emitters in hexagonal boron nitride
Nanophotonic Structures for Cavity Optomechanics
Stationary optomechanical entanglement between a mechanical oscillator and its measurement apparatus
Criteria for deterministic single-photon emission in two-dimensional atomic crystals
Chip-based superconducting traps for levitation of micrometer-sized particles in the Meissner state
Electro-mechanical Casimir effect
Ultrasensitive Inertial and Force Sensors with Diamagnetically Levitated Magnets
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Showing 9 research projects
Optical control over multi-membrane materials (OCOMM)
Funktionalisering av nanomekaniska resonatorer med tvådimensionella material
Testing quantum physics in uncharted territory using a magneto-mechanical oscillator
Continuously Monitored Quantum Sensors: Smart Tools and Applications