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Visar 39 publikationer
Discrete velocity Boltzmann equation in the plane: stationary solutions
On a Boltzmann equation for Haldane statistics
On the Cauchy problem with large data for the space-dependent Boltzmann Nordheim equation III
On the Cauchy problem with large data for a space-dependent Boltzmann-Nordheim boson equation
On the Cauchy problem with large data for a space-dependent Boltzmann-Nordheim boson equation II
Well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for a space-dependent anyon Boltzmann equation
A kinetic equation for spin polarized Fermi systems
On low temperature kinetic theory; spin diffusion, Bose Einstein condensates, anyons
A Milne problem from a Bose condensate with excitations
Bose condensates in interaction with excitations : a kinetic model
Exponential stability of the solutions to the Boltzmann equation for the Benard problem
Ghost effect by curvature in planar Couette flow
Stability for Rayleigh-Benard convective solutions of the Boltzmann equation
Stability for Rayleigh-Benard convective solutions of the Boltzmann equation
Stability of the laminar solution of the Boltzmann equation for the Benard problem
Asymptotic techniques for kinetic problems of Boltzmann type
Book review; Molecular gas dynamics by Y Sone
On a Taylor-Couette Type Bifurcation for the Stationary Nonlinear Boltzmann Equation
On stationary kinetic systems of Boltzmann type and their fluid limits
A large data existence result for the stationary Boltzmann equation in a cylindrical geometry
The stationary nonlinear Boltzmann equation in a Couette setting
"The stationary nonlinear Boltzmann equation in a Couette setting; L^q-solutions and positivity"
On the Milne problem and the hydrodynamic limit for a steady Boltzmann equation model
On the solvability and asymptotics of the Boltzmann equation in irregular domains
On the solvability and asymptotics of the Boltzmann equation in irregular domains.
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