Sophie Charpentier
Visar 25 publikationer
Behavioural insight to promote reusable cups; a field study to reduce the use of single-use cups.
Origin and evolution of surface spin current in topological insulators
High-Transparency Al/Bi2Te3 Double-Barrier Heterostructures
Induced unconventional superconductivity on the surface states of Bi2Te3 topological insulator
Hot spot formation in electron-doped PCCO nanobridges
Josephson Coupling in Junctions Made of Monolayer Graphene Grown on SiC
Incipient Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in two-dimensional coplanar Josephson junctions
Room Temperature Electrical Detection of Spin Polarized Currents in Topological Insulators
Fabricating Nanogaps in YBa2Cu3O7-delta for Hybrid Proximity-Based Josephson Junctions
Phase transition of bismuth telluride thin films grown by MBE
Influence of topological edge states on the properties of Al/Bi2Se3/Al hybrid Josephson devices
Evolution of Bi2Te3 on GaN Grown by MBE
Bi2Te3 Thin Films Grown on Vicinal GaAs(111)B Substrates by MBE
YBa2Cu3O7-delta nanorings to probe fluxoid quantization in High Critical Temperature Superconductors
Resistive state triggered by vortex entry in YBa2Cu3O7-delta nanostructures
Josephson effect in Al/Bi2Se3/Al coplanar hybrid devices
Express Optical Analysis of Epitaxial Graphene on SiC: Impact of Morphology on Quantum Transport
Phase transition of MBE grown Bithmuth Telluride from Bi2T3 to Bi4Te3
MBE growth of Bi2Te3 for Thermoelectrics
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