Magnus Holmén
Visar 49 publikationer
Integrating contractor and property developer for product system innovations
Innovation audits by means of formulating problems
Förnyelsens källor: Akademikers roller och innovativt beteende
Who becomes and entrepreneur? How changes in activity systems affect entrepreneurial action
The teaching and societal services nexus: Academics’ experiences in three disciplines
Editorial: Business model innovation-the challenges ahead
Restless Capitalism and the economizing entrepreneur
How do innovation systems interact? Schumpeterian innovation in seven Australian sectors
Business model changes and green construction processes
Yes, now we can: Technological change and the exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunities
Female entrepreneurship in Afghanistan
Business model changes in green construction: A literature review
Sustainability certification of bioethanol: how is it perceived by Brazilian stakeholders?
What Does it Mean Conceptually that Universities Compete?
Learning to compete in european universities: From social institution to knowledge business
From Social Institution to Knowledge Business
Learning to compete in European universities: From social institution to knowledge business
Learning to Compete in European Universities: From Social Institutions to Knowledge Business
Capabilities and Radical Changes of the Business Models of New Bioscience Firms
What are innovative opportunities?,
Analyzing Flexibility and Stability In Co-evolutionary Processes
Uncertainty and the Economizing Entrepreneur
Innovative Opportunities and Dependencies: Illustrations from mobile communications
The Evolution of the First Person Shooter Industry
Transforming Australian Innovation
) Innovative Opportunities: What do we learn from opportunities in mobile communications?
Innovative Opportunities, What do we learn from opportunities in mobile communications?
What are innovative opportunities?
What are innovation opportunities?
Innovative opportunities and Emerging Technologies
Innovation Systems: Analytical and Methodological Issues
Changing the Regional System of Innovation
Characterising and analysing regional renewal : a methodological contribution
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