Maria Spante
Visar 28 publikationer
Lärarprofessionens nya villkor i samhällets digitalisering
Den didaktiska designens betydelse: IT-didaktiska modeller och ramvillkor
Kollaborativ undervisning i digital skolmiljö
Unlock the rigidity and design for flexibility
Assessing collaboration in virtual environments
Connected Practice: The Dynamics of Social Interaction in Shared Virtual Environment
The influence of the applied technologies on estimating graphical representations
Virtual Labs Implementation of Interactive Media for High School Science
The good inequality: Supporting group-work in shared virtual environments
Are Two Heads Better than One? Object-focused Collaboration in Distributed Virtual Environments
Needs and Challenges with Respect to Establishing a Collaboratory
Successes and Failures in Copresent Situations
The task takes over: assuming too much in online collaborative learning
Immersiveness and Symmetry in Copresent Scenarios
Online collaborative learning; a case study
Learning to be Social: Establishing and Maintaining Relationships in Shared Virtual Environments
The Computer Mediated Movie Producer-Leadership in Online Collaborative Communities
Shared Virtual Environments: Technology, Social Interaction, and Adaptation over Time
How Putting Yourself into the Other Person´s Virtual Shoes Enhances Collaboration
Is there a Trade-off between Presence and Copresence?
Strangers and Friends in Networked Immersive Environments: Virtual Spaces for Future Living
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